Eve comes clean to whats wrong

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That was the most fun I ever had in my life. I've never felt so free. I felt like nothing was hunting up anymore but the humans still are. it was almost dawn we had to hide out somewhere I was fine because of Alexanders blood but David need to stay out if the sun light. "we need to hide out soon or David will be burned by the sun light"
"Your right. the only thing is, is that every time it's dawn we will have to hide out" I didn't want to do this but I have to, and I don't think Michael will like it very much.
"Not happening"
"Michael we all are able to be in day light but David" ugh I knew it. from I distance I saw Eve sitting on a rock. she was crying. "Eve?" she looked at me it felt not bare able. I wanted to cry too "mom I can't do this no more I don't know what to feel" she stood up and fell into my arms I hug her and I cried with her. I didn't know what to do.

<thank you for reading my book please comment if I should continue!>

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