My Personal Top 12 Lady Gaga Songs

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Hello again! These are my top 12 personal favorite Lady Gaga songs. Disclaimer! Just because I like these songs doesn't mean you have to like these songs. I made this list for fun. My top Lady Gaga songs change from day to day depending on my mood and what I need to hear, but these songs have always been there for me and no matter my mood I can usually be found blasting them on a day to day bases. 

This is mostly in no particular order except for my number 1 Lady Gaga song cause I think it'll always be my favorite song of hers. Another disclaimer! This list was made before Chromatica was released (this part will be published May 23rd 2020) so this list may change. Anyway on to the list. 

Number 12 Perfect Illusion 

Perfect Illusion will definitely always have a special place in my heart. It's just one of those songs that can cheer me up, especially if someone annoys me. It reminds me that some people just aren't good people and pretend to be your friend just to annoy you. 

Number 11 Yoü and I

Yoü and I is a song I can always blast on repeat. The music video and song remind me a lot of where I live and have grown up since I live in the Midwest (not Nebraska though even though that's the state she says in the song. When I sing it I always replace Nebraska with the state I live in) it's always felt like Gaga was singing about me and where I live and the experiences I've had growing up here with my friends. 

Number 10 Bad Romance

You can never go wrong with Bad Romance! I remember be young and jamming to Bad Romance whenever it came on the radio. Bad Romance is an amazing song with amazing lyrics and every time I play it in pep band all my friends look at me cause I am grinning from ear to ear cause they know how much I love Lady Gaga. 

Number 9 Diamond Heart

Diamond Heart has helped me through so much bad shit in my life. Whenever I am having a bad day I always just mumble to myself "I may not be flawless, but you know I got a diamond heart." It's a great motivational song that will always pick me up and cheer me up. 

Number 8 Paparazzi 

Paparazzi is a piece of fucking art. It's a song I think will stand the tests of time and I will be jammin' to no matter how old I am. From her iconic VMA's performance to the music video, this song is pure Gaga. 

Number 7 Gypsy 

Another great pick me up song! This song is so underrated it makes me mad sometimes. This song makes me feel like Gaga is talking just to me and telling me everything is going to be okay. It also shows off Gaga's great singing and piano playing abilities. 

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