Chapter 32

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Dedicated to Kiera_Ze_Pug and dani_daggers for voting for my utterly lame book and giving me motivation to keep writing even when I didn't have any. Thank you so much! You are both awesome! And It really means so much to me!😘❤️


"Guys! Come on!" I sighed pulling at my hair in frustration. Both Brittany and Lisa smirks at me, as they made kissing sounds, turning my face deep red.

Lisa happened to be friends with Brittany since childhood. When Brittany introduced her, we instantly clicked. She's really pretty too. With her brown hair and huge doe eyes, she's bound to turn heads. She also really curvy which only adds to her beauty.

"I knew you'd eventually make out with him but I didn't think it'd be so soon." Brittany smirks and I hit my head against the table.

"Fine, we'll stop teasing you, if you give us the details." Brittany offers, a smirk forming on her lips again.

"No! I'm not listening to this anymore! I'm going to go search for Malcolm. He told me he is going to explain why I'm called Luna and other bunch of stuff." I sigh getting up from the couch. Both glance up at me, worried expressions marring their features.

"What?" I ask, glancing between the two of them.

"Just ...just keep an open mind." Brittany smiles and I nod unsure of how to really respond.

Walking towards the door, I follow Malcolm's unique scent which leads me towards a large clearing with men and women ... sparring?

I glance at Malcolm, only for my breath to hitch when I find him shirtless, sweat coating his muscular form. He punches, his opponent who is none other than Sebastian, who seems to be out of breath and about to pass out.

As if feeling my eyes on me, he tilts his head over to me. A large smile forms on his lips and he jogs over to me.

"Hey, Freya. What brings you here?" He smiles, pulling me in for a hug, placing a slobbery kiss on my cheek.

"Ew, Malcolm. You're all sweaty!" I groan moving away from him. He chuckles lowly and stare at me waiting for my reply. I give him a mock glare and fold my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Someone promised to explain everything today." I reply and his eyes widen before he curses under his breath.

"Shit. I'm so sorry, Freya. I forgot. Hold up. I'm gonna go grab my shirt and be right back." He smiles and walks over to the mat in the field where Sebastian laid.

Walking over to me, he grabs me hand in his and leads me back to his room. He walks into the bathroom and takes a quick shower. Within minutes, he's out dresses in ripped black jeans and a black shirt.

Leading me to his bed, he takes my hands in his.

"So where do I start?" He asks almost cautious and nervous. Why?

"From the start?" I smile trying to assure him that it'll be okay. It doesn't help though. He sighs before running his hands through his dark locks, a depressed look forming on his face.

"Please don't freak out." He begs, a nervous smile playing on his lips as he keeps his eyes on me. I only smile but suddenly I'm not confident anymore. If he himself is not confident with what he's about to say, I'd surely not feel comfortable with it too.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay Malcolm." I assure taking his large hand in mine, in a form of assurance. He shakes his head and sigh before uttering the words out.

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