Chapter One: The Hunt Begins

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Part One The Hunt Begins

Present time,

At Emily Library, 4Pm

The streets of Emily were warm and welcoming, this small country town is really friendly and welcoming its is small a few thousands.

The sun was shining bright and birds were chirping, cars were casually driving. Pedestrians and people were Either walking around in couples, Some were eating and drinking coffee.The town is really safe and amazing.

A young scholar stopped and looked at the library, The young scholar wore a blue jumper, had curly hair and black shorts on and had a rather smart dress appeal.

The young scholar had a backpack which states he attends the Emily High school, he is constantly being kept up at night. He studies mythology and HO Lovecraft Lore.

The young scholar is only thirteen years old and seeks vast knowledge of the supernatural realm so much he wanted to find a rabbit hole leading to the dark arts.

In the Library the people are calm and quiet and the atmosphere is amazing, Young Scholar slowly walks around with bags under his eyes and not mentioning a word to anyone, he just examined the writing of pens against the paper and the clicking of letters on the keyboards.

The room was also warm but ominous but not unsettling, The scholar cake across the usual folklore and learnt about Pagan and witchcraft.

But it's not enough. The young scholar had an itch to scratch.

The young scholar quickly searched through the shelf of the witchcraft, and began searching throughly through the books for a darker path.

A few hours passed and the library was getting empty and people were chatting and just talking on phones and just relaxing, some couples were making out and the lights were slowly dimming and the water fountains stopped working.

Young scholar stopped searching and quietly growled with anger and aggression. Young scholar bang the shelf with his fist and slowly sniffles.

"You won't find it" Said a gloomy voice from the other side of the book shelf. Young scholar sniffles and quietly looks around.

"Over here!" Angrily Said the girly voice with a pinch of irritation.

"God?" Asked Young scholar,

A book was taken from the other aide of the shelf. And now the girl can see directly at The young scholar.

The young girl had black rimmed glasses. Black hair with bangs and panda eyes, she always looked sleepy and dead on the inside.

"No you idiot" growled the girl as she eye rolled him.

"Who are you ?" Asked the scholar quietly.

"It doesn't matter, but what you're looking for is not here"

"You know what I'm looking for?"

"Yes, I've seen it!"

"Where is it?"

"Follow me"

The mysterious girl put the book back and walked, The young scholar slowly walked around the corner and saw the girl and walked over to her. They were in an aisle known as Religion and Philosophy.

The girl looked around, The young scholar finally stood beside her, the girl was skinny and was wearing gothic themed clothes and was 5"6 the same height as the Young scholar.

The stopped and stared at the library rack, The girl hesitated and breathed and was filling with anxiety and fear.

"Are you...okay?" Asked the young scholar with skepticism and a raised eyebrow.

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