Final Destination

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*wild is triggered about the restaurant and thinks blue burnt it down. He challenges blue to a deathmatch. blue agrees and they step outside.*


Blue: Okay, it's your funeral—

*their faces harden, JoJo style*

Wild: ばか。誰かがここで死ぬのなら、それはあなたです。

*fool. If anyone is to die here, it is you.*

Blue: ははは!あなたはそう思う?笑わせないで!この戦いは決まっている。

*hahaha! You think so? Don't make me laugh! This battle is decided.*

Wild: クソ野郎!私はあなたを地獄にまっすぐに送ります!

*Bastard! I'll send you straight to hell, where you belong!*

*with that, wild rushes forward and expertly maneuvers a knife into blue. Blue sputters and coughs up some blood.*

Blue(internal): くそー!もう二度と起こらせない!私は彼を殺さなければなりません!

*Damn! I can't let that happen again! I must kill him!*

*blue recovers quickly and shoves wild to the ground. He drives a knee into wild's stomach, and stabs wild in the gut.*

Daruk: Oopsie...

*Wild grabs blue's wrist and flips him over. Wild and blue both jump up, but when blue slashes wild, wild flurry rushes blue and blue collapses.*

Wild: 今あなたは死ぬ。

*now you die.*

Blue: 本当に?それについてはあまり確信が持てません。

*Really? I wouldn't be so sure of that.*

*A boomerang hits wild's head and he is knocked out.*

Daruk: I'm really off my game today...

Blue: あなたはばかです...私が地面に落ちているときに私はそのブーメランを投げました、そしてあなたは気づかなかったのですか?あなたは本当にばかです。

*You fool...I threw that boomerang as I was falling to the ground, and you didn't notice? You really are an idiot.*

*Blue also passes out.*

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