⚡️"All my children"🤭

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You took her so you could protect her but yet she's gone klaus said throwing his hands up sarcastically, great job little sister

Ok I get it Nick you don't have to remind me rebekah said slamming her hands on the stealing wheel in anger
If the which is with our mother then they would be back at the cemetery added Elijah in the back

Ok so what the plan Marcel asked the group
Let me talk to her said rebekah trust me I have a plan

Why would we trust you last time you had a plan you lost the most powerful witch in new Orleans klaus  snapped yelling at rebekah in anger

Enough. Hayley yelled
Well then your gonna have to trust me this time rebekah said more calmly .

Davina was sitting up in the chair about to fall asleep, she used her hand to rest her head, as she closed her eyes

Can we at least move her to the bed Kol asked Esther, pointing down at the girl, both of them were looking down at her feeling a little sympathy

Fine! but make sure she can't leave, Esther said walking out of the house and driving away in there car

Kol took Davina from the chair and
carried her, the girl  clinched on to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and snuggling into his arms
Kol smiled looking down at her

He carried her to the bed and covered her in a blanket, removing all the chains on her except for a cuff on her right ankle tied to the end of the bed

I'll watch her said finn appearing behind Kol as he was shutting the door to the room davina was in
Kol nodded and walked away silently

We have looked everywhere said rebekah, were the hell could she be

Hello children said Esther slowing appearing from from behind a gravestone

We don't want to fight we just want a chat, Rebekah held her arms in front of her trying to reason with her mother

Very well, the witch walked away, wanting rebekah to follow
Rebekah followed without hesitation, having to run a bit to catch up

Let's keep looking around for Davina said Hayley watching her blonde friend follow there enemy

We'res the girl asked Rebekah
She's fine, asleep actually said Esther placing two wine cups infront of
then turning around to get a spell book from the shelf
the second she turned around rebekah quickly bit her wrist and squeezed it, adding some of her blood to both whine glasses, just in case her mother chooses the other one

Your witch, Davina. is gonna help me fix you said Esther, she tore out a page from her spell book and handed it to rebekah then took a sip of wine and  placed it back down next to rebekah's cup awaiting her daughter's reaction

Your trying to turn us back asked rebekah in disbelief , lifting her head up from the paper and to her mother's face
My biggest regret is turning my children into monsters, I just want to fix that she added, gently stroking rebekah face with her fingers
Why the bloody hell would my mother turn is like this if she planned on changing us back rebekah thought to herself

Rebekah glanced over her mother's shoulder to see Marcel, quietly approaching her from behind
She threw the paper on the floor, I kinda like how I am she snapped stomping on it with her heels

Marcel took ahold of the witches neck and turned it to the right with all his strength snapping her neck 
Esthers body fell to the ground infront of them

Did she drink the whine marcel asked rebekah
She just nodded in shock looking down at her mother's dead body
I got this said Klaus grabbing her body and running it back to the house to lock her in the dougin in there basements then running back to rebekah and marcel

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