Chapter 2: A Friend

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The next day, you wake up still clutching onto Aizawa like a lifeline, him having decided to stay with you and make sure you were okay. 'Trust'. You wiggle your way out from his loose grip and make your way into his kitchen, thinking about what to make for breakfast. Seeing what ingredients he has, you decide to go with steamed rice and grilled fish. It isn't difficult to prepare at all and by the time you're done, Aizawa has woken up, you have finished making two portions - you motion to the food, "g-good morning, Aizawa-San. I made s-some breakfast." He makes a noise of acknowledgement and sits down at the table still half asleep. You put his portion in front of him and he begins to happily dig in, "this is really good. When did you learn to cook?" You shrugged, not knowing the answer yourself, "There's a lot of things I just know. It's like instinctive knowledge. I don't remember ever learning them, but the skills are there." He gives you a thoughtful look and replies "maybe it's some sort of subconscious memorization?" You shrug again and take a bite of your fish. You notice him staring at you about halfway through the meal, you cock your head and throw him a questioning look, "what?" He just stared at you dumbfounded "since when have you had ears and a tail?" You are confused by the question but reach up and feel your ears... which are for some reason on the top of your head - you reach a hand backwards and notice that you do indeed have a very large, poofy tail. It honestly looks like you could flat out sit on your own tail like a chair. Embarrassed that you hadn't noticed earlier, you begin to experiment with your new appendages. Your ears are kind of easy to control, it's like raising your eyebrows, but further up on your head. Your tail is an entirely different story - it's like trying to move an arm that you've never had before. You eventually get minor control of the thing and find that you can indeed sit on your tail like a portable beanbag(because why not).

Having finally sorted out the whole situation with your tail, you and Aizawa go back to UA to meet the principal, though Recovery Girl wants to see you first. You walk into the office and RG just gives you a look of incredulity, "what the hell happened to you?" You give her a sheepish grin, "m-my q-quirk?" She just sighs and motions to the bed and you sit down and allow her to give you a check up. Aizawa stares at you before interrupting RG, "Y/N, she needs to know about it." You give him a curious look and he just points to his right shoulder. You feel the color drain from your face - you know he's right, but you don't really want to, "all of them?" Something unreadable passes over his face, "there are more?" You nod sadly and he just sighs deeply, "I'll be outside, show her your scars." Recovery Girl tenses at that last word and looks at you with morbid curiosity. You take your shirt off and set it to the side, leaving you in your bra and a short skirt. Recovery Girl gasps as she takes in the condition of your body - almost your entire body is covered in scars, minus your forearms, calves, face and neck. Hand shaped scars can be seen all over your body, none of them more than 20 centimeters apart - the rest of your body is covered in laceration scars. You pull your shirt back on and sit back on the bed, hugging your tail like a giant teddy bear. The nurse calls Aizawa back in and informed him of the absolute horror that is your body - he scowls and balls his fist, "when I find the bastard that did this..." the unspoken words hung in the air, and you could only watch as RG actually agreed with him, "Shouta, I've been in this business long enough, at least let's make it look like an accident." You give both of them a wary glance and politely raise your hand, which makes Aizawa turn to you, "weren't we supposed to go meet the principal?" Aizawa just sighs and nods before turning around and walking out of the room. You opt to follow him.

You leave the nurses office and make your way towards the principal's office. On the way there you wonder why he wants to see you, though I guess it makes sense since he had to have authorized your treatment at the UA infirmary. You finally arrive at a room with the nameplate "Principal's Office: Enter if You Dare" you gulp and enter the room behind Aizawa. You were expecting someone scary or imposing, not a literal... mammalian creature? You regard each other for a second before the principal gestures to one of the chairs in his office. You quickly sit down while Aizawa remains standing by your side, the mammal speaks "Hell there, you must be Y/N!" You nod hesitantly, so he continues "well I must say, the last time I saw you was when I escaped that horrid experimentation ring." You flinch, you'd met before? Experimentation ring? When? Aizawa seemed to be in much the same predicament. You speak up this time, "I'm sorry, but I don't remember any experimentation ring. To be honest, I don't remember much of anything." The principal frowns for a second before clapping his paws together, "well, nothing we can do about that! Either way, today we are here to discover what level of education you are at!" You nod in understanding, this was a school, if you were going to be staying here, then the least you could do is learn something. Nezu(the principal) pulls a stack of tests out of somewhere and drops them in front of you, giving you as much time as you need for each test. As it happens, you seems to know everything through about half of UA's college course when it comes to academic classes, which surprised both adults considering that you couldn't have been older than 16. Nezu seemed more excited than anything else, wanting to see how easily you learned things. Aizawa practically radiated pity for you. After spending several hours with Nezu and learning how to do most of linear algebra, you find yourself mentally exhausted at the mere idea of having to do more lessons with the mammal. You get back to Aizawa's apartment and collapse onto the couch.

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