16. Youjin's Wife

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Kira had taken Yeosang and Seonghwa around some of the local inns. With her ability to speak the local language, they had gathered as much information as possible on other victims of the curse tirelessly. After a few hours, they had not found any trace inside of the town of a person who lived, but there were many rumours going around about people who did. However, most of the people never returned from that island and in Seonghwa's opinion, it was quite obvious where they had disappeared to. They were still there, frozen as golden statues because they took notice of the curse too late.

Seonghwa's mind was reeling all day. He had finally escaped the tiring spiral of worry and desperation and now, he was focusing on finding a cure. Sometimes, he still sent Kira suspicious glances, not quite sure where he should file her appearance in. She did say she came with Yongguk at least, and that made sense for the warlock sure knew a lot of weird people. However, magical women had left a lasting impression on Seonghwa, so he was going to be careful around her.

Yeosang had been talking all day. He had been conversing with Kira, asking people around the city, and then explained again what he had heard to the two of them. By now, the man's voice was throaty from the abuse, but his face was shining with new hope. Seonghwa sincerely wished they would be on time.

In the evening, they returned to the ship. It had been a long day for all of them, and Seonghwa could barely wait to return to Hongjoong's arms and share his joy with him. They could actually save Wooyoung now, they just had to hurry up! Seonghwa was confident in Hongjoong's abilities as a captain.

Seonghwa also wanted to hug Wooyoung so bad just so he could see all of his worries melt off his face. The poor man might get cuddled to death as soon as it was safe to touch him again.

Back on the ship, Yeosang unceremoniously barged into the captain's quarters with no second to spare. He dropped his hat at the door, and then quickly stepped aside to let Kira pass into the room. Seonghwa followed last and made sure to close the door behind them. He leaned back against it afterwards and crossed his arms while he watched the room.

Hongjoong had been sitting on his desk until now with his feet resting on the tabletop. He was not hurt, which was a good sign, but his eyes also seemed a bit too stressed still for Seonghwa's liking.

Especially since Yongguk was opposite of him, and by now he must have long since finished telling Hongjoong all about their current situation.

Now, with their arrival, Hongjoong rose though. He rounded the table with long steps to go greet Kira with a little cramped smile on his face. Seonghwa lifted his brow at him when he noticed Hongjoong's shirt being completely unbuttoned despite the two non-crew-members in the room.

"Kira. I'm glad to see you again. I hope we are no bother." He swiftly swept her hand up to kiss her knuckles fleetingly. This time, he made eye-contact with Seonghwa in the process and cockily copied the gesture with his brows. Seonghwa squinted at him, trying to understand what he was getting at.

"The pleasure is all mine, Pirate King. When Yongguk asked me to join him on this journey, I was glad to be able to help. I would not want to see another soul aboard this ship move on. Seeing two wanted posters less in my hometown's city hall pained me greatly already. But I was happy to see a new one join in." Kira's gaze wandered from Hongjoong to Seonghwa and then back. A subtle smile grazed her lips.

Hongjoong chuckled throatily, his eyes amused.

"Right, you've met him by now. I take it Youjin told you about him?"

"He did. His mind is a beautiful place. It's full of you, Pirate King. Just how your mind is filled with him. I wish you the best of luck." Her little private smile made Seonghwa shiver. Her power was great, maybe even more magnificent than that of their shadows. Again, he wondered whether she was a born being, or if she had come to existence through magic just like they did.

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