Chapter 18

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To love, is to trust. To trust is to believe.

Padme expected everyone to be up bright and early because she had a big day full of surprises. Ahsoka and Anakin were the last to get up, much to Padme's disliking.

"Why are you so tired?" she asked. "I thought you got a good nights sleep."

"We did," said Anakin, kissing her forehead softly and sitting down.

"Yeah," said Ahsoka, shooting him a glare. "But SOMEONE woke me up at THREE IN THE MORNING."

"Anakin!" said Padme.

"I thought it was a good idea!" said Anakin defensively.

"It's never a good idea to wake Ahsoka up at three in the morning," said Al, her face full of sugary cereal. "You of all people should know that."

"Al!" said Aayla, walking in and sighing at her padawan. "What did we talk about with sugar in the morning?"

"But it's so good!" said Al, putting more in her mouth.

"One. Bowl," said Aayla, exiting into the kitchen.

"Okay!" said Al.

"That's your second bowl isn't it?" asked Barriss.

"Shhh!" said Al. "She doesn't know yet."

Ahsoka crossed her arms on the table and began to sleep calmly for about five seconds before Padme woke her up.

"Where are we even going?" asked Anakin, yawning.

"It's surprise," said Padme. "Now, eat breakfast. You won't be eating again until lunch."

Ahsoka shot up and raced into the kitchen. "Al! You ate all the good cereal!"

"No I didn't," said Al, drinking her sugary milk. "There's some in the pantry."

"I knew that," said Ahsoka.

"Why is this place so secret?" asked Barriss, who was already finished with breakfast and putting her hair in a loose pony tail.

"It's not secret," said Padme, helping Satine carry the picnic basket to the table. "Just a surprise."

"Is it romantic?" asked Al eagerly, handing her bowl to Aayla who handed it to Ahsoka and sat down.

"You could say that," said Padme. She looked inside. "I think we have everything. Ani, eat something."

"I'm to tired," said Anakin.

Ahsoka walked out of the kitchen and set her bowl down next to Barriss. "Coffee?"

"Fine," said Anakin.

"How do you want it?" asked Obi-Wan from the kitchen.

"Black," said Anakin. "Like my soul."

Padme gently hit the back of his head and Ahsoka concealed her laughter.

Aayla leaned against Al's chair. "How long will we be there?"

"All day," said Padme. "I have everything planned."

"Of course you do," said Anakin.

She ruffled his hair playfully and smiled. "Girls, could you go get the twins?"

"YES!" said Al, energized by the sugar. She jumped up and almost ran into Aayla running out of the  room.

"She had two bowls didn't she?" Aayla asked Barriss.

"Unfortunately, yes," said Barriss.

"I'm eating," said Ahsoka, shoveling food in her mouth. Obi-Wan came out and handed Anakin the coffee.

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