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{Keep in mind that I'm writing this at 1 am and I can't be bothered to fix any grammar mistakes so just tell me if u find any cuz I might not notice, thanks

The editing was me just making minor changes which only the people who read this before would notice}

Once upon a time... yeah, no, this isn't some fairy-tale. Well, let's start where it began, the day Palette and Roller were born.

Ink and Dream are the parents of the two. Ink had a suspicion, more on that later, and Dream was just happy to have children.

They took a photo of all 4 of them and put it in a locket, Ink would have the locket so he would remember about everyone, since he had Swiss cheese for memory.

{Well, I ,uhh, usually use that insult(?) on myself so, uhh, this is odd, using it on someone else}

Ink and Dream lived in a house Ink made in the Doodlesphere. Blue, Classic, Carrot, and a few others visited every once in a while, it's hard to tell how often or how rarely anyone visits since time in the Doodlesphere worked a little differently. It's kinda like the universal time in the AUs, I'm not saying that every AU and it's copy has the same time of day, no, that wouldn't work because of the resets. Everyone aware of the AUs has a special device that is pretty much a clock. The device is how every aware person knows the time every other aware person has and when to come to meetings, they happen in what's left of Dreamtale, Dream didn't like that but didn't say anything about it.

Now, you all might be wondering what sort of suspicion Ink has, well, he thinks one of the twins night be evil, a little like the Dreamtale bros, Dream and Nightmare, we know Nightmare isn't evil, everyone just believed that, Palette and Roller are the exact same in Ink's point of view, Palette being Dream and Roller Nightmare.

Therefore, Ink came up with a solution, faking Roller's death. He knew Dream would be heartbroken, but he believed it had to be done. There will be karma for his pointless, yet harmful, action.

Ink just took Roller to Outertale where he proceeded to throw the small child into the void. But Roller, being a demigod and half emotions guardian (kinda like a god), survived the void. No one knew though. The Creator thought he got rid of Roller.

Ink knew Dream would hate him if he found out that he got rid of their son. So, to avoid that he told Dream that Roller died. He was half right, the void didn't kill him but there was still damage done. They decided it would be best if no one knew of Roller, as no one would meet him anyway.

Meanwhile with Fate and Roller

Fate noticed something in the void, a child, Roller. She knew Destiny wouldn't allow her to do anything with him if she knew about him, so Fate didn't tell her sister of the small child. The balance was starting to tip and she needed to fix that.

Fate, knowing that Roller will have no memory of this when he would be ready to do what he was chosen for, took care of him. Fate did change some things about the future destroyer, just to make him suffer, she made him short sighted, an amnesiac, and a çªÇÑÁ ÓǪ±¼ (if you can't read it, it says "filthy glitch").

Back with Ink, Dream and Palette

To remember their lost child, they added Roller at the end of Palette's name. There's also the locket.

Now, there's Ink, Dream, and Palette Roller. That's what everyone thought was the whole family, well, except Uncle Nightmare.

9 years later a week before Palette's (and Roller's) birthday

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