Chapter 1: We're a... family? + Important Announcement

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{It's been 2 decades since most of the prologue, Palette and Error is 23 years old now, and Goth is 22

And I wrote this almost as soon and I posted the Prologue, I just couldn't be bothered to write it in digital form (my original work in on paper)

I finally gain the boredom to write this, I wrote this cuz I was bored so sorry for the wait and stuff 

This is very long qwq}

Error POV

It's been a week since Ink Created an AU. Strange. This is the longest break from creating he ever had, it used to be a day or 2, mostly from injuries. 

"What is that squid planning?" I wondered out loud, unaware of the '90s nightmare behind me. 

"Wassup Error Brah!" It exclaimed causing me to crash. 

Later {-w-"}

After I regained consciousness {Damn that's hard to spell}, I asked the '90s nightmare, "What the funk Fresh!?" 

"Come on Error brah, I just wanna see wassup with u," the '90s nightmare, now dubbed Fresh, replied. "So wassup?" 

"Nothing's up, just wondering why isn't Inky creating any AUs or copies recently." 

{Fresh won't talk in his lingo for the explanation cuz I can't do '90s lingo so it'll be minimal}

"Well, he's saying he met his future self, he told him to stop creating for a while and to figure out what changes and why, and to those that know he's soulless he added that only then he will get a soul," Fresh said. answering the unasked question.

{The idea above came from the video below, at least the ending when the past Star Sanses have to leave, I just changed a few details (the ending starts at 9:23)} (It'll also be in the comments)

Meanwhile 3rd person

"Oh hello Goth, I didn't know you were coming," Dream said as he moved so Goth could pass him. "How are you?"

"I'm good, and you?" Goth replied.

"Also good, I'm guessing you're here for Palette?" Dream said before goth nodded. "He's in the living room."

"Thanks!" Goth replied on his way down the hallway.

When Goth arrived a few moments later, he had to speak up to gain Palette's attention.

"Hey Palette, could you please acknowledge my existence?"

"Oh, hey Goth, sorry," Palette replied with a slight blush.

"It's fine, you didn't know I was coming, that's a good enough reason to not know I'm here."

While they talked, Dream went upstairs to talk to Ink. After Dream's encounter with Goth, the two of them (Ink and Dream) had a flashback to when Palette was born.

Dream was on autopilot as he speed-walked to Ink's art room, he heard Ink think out loud through the door.

"What was that? Who was that? Why did I have a locket? Did something happen to it? If so what?"

"So you saw it too?" Dream said after he came in.

"I guess. . . ?"

"Now, I think we should share our thoughts about it, and try to work out what happened to the locket I had."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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