Special 03

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I've ran out of ideas for Skits. 🎳💥
I need to watch more memes to get at least some inspiration. But for now, may I present you another oneshot. And it might be a bit long.

/Unrelated Rin and Len/


It was the first day of school for Rin. She had transferred schools going from Tokyo to Sapporo. And now she was beginning her third year of middle school, since she was 14 years old.

Rin was, you guessed it, nervous. She knew her childhood friend, Len, would be there too but she didn't know anyone else besides him. Plus, she doubted that he would hang out with her for more than an hour.

After millions of tries, Rin had gathered her self-esteem and with all the confidence she could ever have, she walked inside the foreign building.

She started by taking her schedule and locker number from the principal's office. Afterwards she tried to find her first class which was, sadly, Math. Rin wasn't a math lover, well technically she wasn't even a school lover. But whatever.

After she introduced herself to the class she went to sit on her seat. Which of course wasn't next to the window because that would be too cliché. Instead, Rin was squized next to the wall.

No one really approached Rin, only Len here and there. But in general, Rin didn't really interact with anyone more than an orange she talked to in lunch. If she hadn't done so, she would have gone crazy from the lack of social interaction.

Soon, school had ended, kids were packing their stuff and gradually left the school heading for their homes or possibly an arcade to hang out with their friends.

Rin was planning on getting home, maybe watch some anime and make her sister Lily cook sushi for the two of them. Rin smirked, and with that thought she exited the classroom.

Only to bump on someone's chest. Rin of course groaned and pushed the dude away. She wouldn't start apologizing for something she wasn't responsible for, he was the one not moving!

The guy groaned in pain when he collided with the marble floor of the school's hall. That's when Rin recognized who it was.

'Oops..That was Len..' Rin thought, sweatdropping.

"Hehe... Oh hi Len. Wassup ?" She tried to play it casual while Len was getting up.

"Are we just gonna ignore the fact you have more strength than you look you'd have?" He asked.

"Yes we are. Now what do you want shota boy?"

"Alright alright got it. And don't call me that!" Len exclaimed offended.

"To. the. point." Rin demanded impatiently. Anime won't watch itself. Or would it...?

"Ah yes! Alright, so I remember you have a liking for singing and music in general, am I right?"

"Go on, go on" Rin gestured him to continue.

"There's this music club that was created recently. And I was wondering if you would like to join. I am going to join too. But.."He paused, seeming deep in thought.

" But what? "Rin asked now curious.

" I don't know how."

"What do you mean you don't know how? It's a club, don't you just fill an application form and they let you in?" Rin asked.

"Well, not exactly. The president of the club, Miku Hatsune, has actually made a rule that anyone can join the club only if they know the  'holy song'." Len explained.

Vocaloid Skits - mostly the meme squad and the cryptonloidsWhere stories live. Discover now