Jungle minge

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Our story starts in the middle of a wet jungle which smelled a little bit like beef. Howarina and vincebella were using their scissoring I mean machetes to cut through the soggy boggy leaves and they progressed deeper and deeper and HARDER into the heart of the junglybungly. Howarina was walking and suddenly did a little SHRIEK eeEEEiIgH and he realised that his abnormally large feet were sort of bulging out of his little sandals and they were more like just small pieces of birkenstock strapped to the bottoms of his feet, and he had stepped on a POISON DART FROG! Oh fucker! Vincebella better finger I mean help howarina and get that cutie little frogging out of his foot which had embedded itself in the moist underbelly of Howarina's clongers. Vincebella pulled out a jabber and JABBED the frog in the tits and they popped like rainbow pustules.
"Oh fucking hell my silicones you fucking spackers" said Trisha the frog
"Wtf you can talk" vincebella harried
"Course I can fucking talk you lesbo rat" Trisha retorted
This was getting a bit ririducoie and labyrinthine now so howarina just said fuck it and crushed the frog with a passibbbmallet. They continued on their way and had a little skip for a while until they inevitably tired agtwbabour 4 minutes because they've never used a gym in their fucking life the fat fucks. After they'd walked for a while longer, vincebella tripped on something.
"Fucking spasticated dyke frolickings my big rubbery fat toe ;(" vincecella cries
"Oi my asscrack you tore the skin on my anus you perv" shouted the rock
"Who the fuck are you and why can you talk you're a rock" vincebella retorted
"For the last fucking time I'm not a rock I'm Matt Berry ok" the rock who is Matt Berry screeched
"What the even hell" vincebella cunted in shock
Again howarina had to shut down this interaction quite promptly because it's just freakish like no I don't think a rock is Matt Berry is a rock. Vincebella pulled out a packet of gourmet Blackpool fudge from his bumbag and started wolfing it down like a crip on opiods. Howarina looked vincebella in the face and slapped the fudge out of his hand.
"??????you cunt" shouted vincebella who was just sick of this Shit this marriage is going to shit
"Yeah whatever cube" howarina retorted
"You know what you pigeon feeler? This is over. You're a whore and I hate you you don't even do it to me anymore :( fuck you." Vincebella screamed, and ran off into the misty moist horizon, stripping as he went until his bare ass cheeks jiggled in the damp air.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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