A CD in the Nerds Room?

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Me:Hewo this is my second story I am making the first one is "The Truth Behind it All bakudeku " go check it out. Now on to the story! Everyone in class 1A was getting ready to go to there dorms when Uraraka, Bakugo, Kirishima, Iida, Mina,and Momo see Tsu walking towards the exit asking-.

Uraraka: Tsu were are you going?

Me: Tsu turned around wearing tight black ripped pants a one of those half ripped shirts that's is green some black boots a green cap and a chain necklace.

Tsu: I'm going to meet up with Deku kun and some other friends.

Uraraka: * blushes* o-ok

Me: Tsu then walks to were she has to go then Uraraka comes back and says-.

Uraraka: She is going to see Deku and some other friends

Momo: Now that I think about it Midoriya hasn't let anyone see in his dorm.

Mina: Your right soooooooooooo you know let's go see what's in his dorm!!!

Bakugo: Its probably nothing but All Might shit.

Mina: You don't know till you try!

Uraraka: Yeah! I'm in!

Momo: Me to!

Kirishima: Count me in!

Bakugo: I'll come but your probably not going to find anything.

Mina: All right let's do this!

Me: They didn't let Iida say anything 😂. Ok they are at Dekus dorm.

Mina:Do you have a hairclip?

Uraraka: Yeah!

Iida: We should not break into our classmates dorms?! It is stated in ru-

Mina: Got it!!

Me: They looked for clues but didn't find anything.

Bakugo: I told you guys.

Kirishima: wait what's this?

Me: Kiri found a CD in the drawer it was titled "People Like Us"but there was more than one CD and they were all written by Deku.

Uraraka: How about we play it?

Mina: Lets play it!

(Deku is singing in this)

Momo:He sounds better than Jirou

Mina: Yeah

Me:They were all in shock of how good Deku sounds. Especially Bakugo.

Kirishima: How about we play the next one!

Mina: YASSSSS pls do!

Kirishima: Its called " Ways to be Wicked" .

(Deku is Mal Jirou is Evie Denkie is dog boy and the other boy is Tokoyami)

Iida: That wasn't nice at all.

Kirishima: That was so cool!!!!!!

Mina: Kay next!!!

Kirishima:it's called Night fall

Momo:it's not fair to have a battle that can out number them.

Me: Bakugo blushes when Mal (aka Deku) dances

Bakugo: Onto the next one.

Kirishima: Ok! It's called "Freaks"

Bakugo: Tch....

Kirishima: Next! It's called " circus "

(In this it's Tsu and Deku)

Me: Uraraka blushed of how good Tsu here crush could sing. I'm doing more than one ship.

Kirishima: I think we should take a break.

Momo: Yeah cause what if Midoriya comes in here and sees us.

Me: So they get out of Dekus room. Meanwhile with Tsu,Deku,Denki,and Tokoyami.

Denki: So has the smol green bean have anything for us?

Deku: Oh! Yeah! It's called " Hard Boy "

Tokoyami: Lets look at the lyrics so we can have our concert tonight.

Deku: Ok! Come look.

Me: Since they can't look like what they look like at UA they have to put on a disguise in order to not draw more attention then there all ready was to themselves. So Denki has hair spray that's glow in the dark that of course it's yellow and he puts on pikachu ears on then he does his cheeks like pikachu and more makeup he also has a pikachu hoodie for his pants he has yellow shorts his shoes are yellow vans. For Tokoyami he wears a leather jacket and a shirt that says paranormal some black boots and some blue jeans. Tsus outfit is at the top of the chapter. Deku at the tips of his hair it was black he had contacts in that are red and had wolf ears on that Uraraka made for him it matched his hair color his shirt was half ripped it was green one of his sleeves was rolled up the other sleeve was rolled all the way down he had a All Might hoodie wrapped around his waist he had black shorts with black stockings with grey Converses. Now when they were all ready they went on stage and started the song " Hard Boy ".

Me: Meanwhile with class 1A.

Momo: Hey guys a live concert is on want to come watch it

Mina: Lets watch!

Me: So they go to watch it but they noticed something.

Kirishima: That looks like Midoriya!

Bakugo: Yeah.... What is he doing on TV!?

Momo: Actually what is Denki,Tokoyami,and Tsu doing on TV?!

Mina: This is sketchy when they get back we have to ask them questions.

Me: Ok that is going to be it hope you enjoyed the first chapter the total of words is 867 ok baiiiiii.

Singer Deku bakudeku mpreg ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now