Chapter One-The Beginning

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This is gonna suck- I'm fine with hate. '~' means a time skip.
Also, All for One gave Deku a quirk, telekinesis.
"Deku, we've got a plan.", Shigaraki said.

"About time! What is it?", Deku said impatiently.

"You're going to UA to be our spy."

"WHAT!? E-Excuse me!?", Deku yelled in shock.

Shigaraki sighed, knowing Deku would over-react, "Well, only way. No spies are hiring, you're the only choice."

"Won't they know that I'm a villain!?"

"Nobody's ever seen you, so they won't know. As long as you don't give any hints.", Shigaraki explained.

Deku sighed, hoping he wouldn't have to deal with Kacchan, "Not like you'd take no for an answer, so sure."

"Great! Also, I would've killed you if you said no.", Shigaraki said, happy that Deku agreed.


Deku had gotten into UA, it was the morning of his first day.

Deku got up, stretching, walking out his room, to see Shigaraki giving Deku the UA uniform.

Deku grabbed the uniform, went to the bathroom, and changed into it.

Deku walked out the bathroom.

Shigaraki reminded Deku to never hint of being a villain.

Deku nodded, then looked at the clock, it's almost time for him to leave.

Mamagiri (Kurogiri) was a bit worried for Deku, "Please be safe, Izuku!"

Deku gave Kurogiri a nod.

Kurogiri opened a portal, which led to the outside so Deku could get out without suspicion.

Deku went through the portal waving bye to Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

Deku was heading to school, when he spotted Kacchan walking into the school, he froze.

Deku stopped to think a bit, but then continue to head inside.

Kacchan was gone, Deku thought he'd probably gone to his class.

Deku remembered he had to go to Class 1A, so he headed there.

Deku opened the door, his eyes widened as he saw Kacchan.

Bakugo hadn't notice Deku yet, he was just staring at his desk, looking mad like always.

Deku then noticed his desk was behind Kacchans.

Iida walked up to Deku, "Hello, I'm Tenya Iida. I heard about a new kid."

Deku got suprised at first, then calmed down, "Oh, hi I'm Izuku Midoriya."

Todoroki looked at Izuku, confused.

Deku looked at Todoroki.

Todoroki walked up to Deku, "Wait- I thought Izuku Midoriya was dead, it was on the news like years ago!"

Iida nodded in agreement.

Deku knew about that, "Oh, well. They were wrong. I lived and ran away."

Mr. Aizawa walked in, "When I walk in you should all be in your seats."

Everybody went sit down, including Deku.

Mr. Aizawa pointed out Deku, saying he was the new kid.

Bakugo's eyes were wide open when he heard Deku's name. He looked behind him and saw Deku. He then looked back to his desk, with a suprised look.

Mr. Aizawa taught until it was lunch.

Everybody got up and started walking to lunch.

Bakugo stayed behind with Deku, "I thought you damn useless nerd was dead."

Deku then looked at Kacchan, "Oh well, I didn't die."

There was silence between them, until Kacchan said something that Deku would never forget..

To be continued...

This story sucks so far, but thanks for reading!
Hopefully the next chapter will be longer.
I'm literally about to start writing the next chapter now-

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