You're acting werid

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As I blushed at the thought of what Kairi had planned for us today as I rolled over to my side of the bed to just Notice that it was...


"I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL," I shouted as I jumped out of bed and put on sweats and a gray hoodie putting my hair in a ponytail not caring about my appearance.

Why didn't anyone walk me? Alejandro usually comes through my window and drives me to school.

All these thought ran through my mind as I just remembered that I have to


Brandon took the car today and I rolled my eyes as I began to walk to school with my book bag.


"You guys are assholes," I said as I arrived to school to see the boys talking.

As soon as I arrive they stop they stop talking.

All these thoughts go through my mind as if there talking about me. Did I do something bad? Are they mad at me? WAIT! Is Kairi going to break up with me today! That's what he has planned. I doubt it.

"Hey," I say moving my feet back and fourth.

"Hey," Kai response with a smile

Good we're good.

"I actually have to get to class," Kairi said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Uhm okay talk to you later," I said giving him a kiss as he walks away.


"What's up Elena," Alejandro says

"You kinda ditched me this morning," I said to him

"I know uhm I got to go," Alejandro said walking away with Mattia and Alvaro leaving me alone to wonder in my thoughts.

Is it just me or are they acting weird today. Kairi and I have a date so I Can just ask what's up right.


Now that's embarrassing.

I looked around the room hoping no one saw that I just crashed into the wall. Today isn't my day.

"Hey," Sophia said coming up to my locker as I was looking for my lunch

"Hey Soph," i said giving her a hug


"So?," I said questioning her nervous look

"I like someone," she said

"No way," I said looking at her with an excited look on my face trying so hard not to scream.

"Yes way," she said she said getting more shy by the second

"WHO IS IT," I said causing everyone to look an making Sophia cover my mouth with her hand

"Shhhhhh," she said embarrassed that everyone was now looking

"Sorry i just haven't had a girlfriend in so long," I said to her as we walk to the cafeteria

"Alejandro," she said in a whisper

I tried to hard not to fan girl because obviously I shipped.

I hugged her.

"I ship already," I said smiling big as we head to our usually table

"Sit next to him," I whispered while she nods

As we arrived to the table the boys looked at there phone and started to text away.

Pretty boy < Kairi Cosentino Where stories live. Discover now