the new boy in town

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(Lance POV)

There's only so much a guy can take before he goes berserk. I'm tired of being pushed around. Every single day I get some snark remark from someone. Every single day someone pushes or shoves me in the hallways. If they don't learn when to stop then I will teach them, pumped up kicks style.

I walked into school understanding that today would be no different and the day before it and the day before that one. I head for my locker, avoiding eye contact with everyone. I'm not sure why they bully me, but they do. It might have to do with the fact that I made fun of gay kids in middle school and was vocal about my distaste for minorities and especially women, but that couldn't be it. They are hateful people who cannot grasp their own inferiority.

I made it to my locker and opened it up. Someone had filled my locker with rainbow confetti. A guy came up behind me and laughed, "so do you get it? It's symbolic of how you're in the closet." I turned around to realize that it was one of the liberal jocks, Cameron. He only dislikes me because I can think for myself and not follow everything the right media tells me is right.

"Please leave me alone," I muttered. Cameron took a step closer to me, "That's fresh. You made everyday a living hell for me in middle school. I didn't even know I was gay until you bullied me for it. I'm just returning the favor." He took a step back and smiled at me.

"Why don't you just leave him alone?" Both our heads turned to look at the person who joined our conversation. There he was. Stout and muscular. He stood six feet away. "I'm sorry?" Cameron seemed shocked. "Leave him alone you homo." This man began to walk closer to us. Cameron chuckled in awe, "Ignorance is a disease. Get well soon, love." He turned around and walked away.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. "I'm Nick," He smiled back at me. "I'm Lance" "Do you get that a lot?" He asked while dusting some confetti off my shoulder.
"Basically everyday." I hesitated for a second before I spoke again, "they're a bunch libtards." He giggled, "I could tell. They're trying to force their agenda onto you." I smiled again, but decided to change the topic, "So are you new here?" I grabbed my chemistry book out of my locker and closed it. "Yeah today's my first day. My locker is right next to yours," he tapped on the locker right next to mine. "Well then we'll be seeing each other a lot," I leaned against my locker. "Well I hope so. Anyways do you know where this class is?" He came to my side and leaned in to show me his schedule. Our shoulders were touching. "We actually have a couple classes together. Including first period. We can go together." "I'd like that." he smiled at me.


Lunch hour came around and I went to my locker to put my stuff away. "Hey, want to get lunch with me?" Nick was peaking around my open locker door. "Sure. I'll take you to a good place for burgers," I finished putting my stuff away and pulled out my keys. We walked to the student parking lot and got into my car. I drove to the establishment and bought two of my regular orders. I handed Nick his food. "Take a bite and let me know what you think." I looked at him excitedly as he took a bite. His eyes widened and he began to smile. "This is really good!" He said with his mouth full. "I'm glad you like it." For the rest of lunch we discussed politics and our hatred for immigrants.


The last bell of the day rang and students flooded outside. Nick found me in the crowd. "Hey I don't want to be too clingy, but you're the only person I know. Do you want to exchange phone numbers or something?" "Yeah I do," I handed him my phone so he could put his number in. He handed it back to me and smiled, "text me when you get home to let me know you made it safely." He walked away after that. I felt some type of way, but I brushed it off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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