Why China?

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A/n I would like to thank @liladres for helping me and giving me advice for this story and being the first one to read and praise it! If this gets any reads please go check out her story's, she's number one on percabeth so it's hard to miss. So to who ever is reading this, thanks!

Percys POV 

"Hey wise girl!" I said, chasing after her (hehe) 

" what's up?" She asked 

"Chiron told me to ask you if you're going to come on the quest?"

" seaweed brain, what are the chances I don't" she said slyly 

"Dunno that's what I thought, but Chiron still told me to ask."  "Oh yeah, and Chiron Will be going to Olympus tomorrow to figure out what the deal is and where we will be going." After I said that, I yawned.

"Get to bed Percy, you seem tired." Said Annabeth jokingly.

"Do I not get a goodnight kiss?" I said in fake disappointment

"You're a dork you know? She then kissed me goodnight and I went to sleep thinking about the nightmares to come.

——————Time skip to inside the dream————————-

"Mother, the bees have secured the god, the gods have noticed her disappearance and will defiantly send a group of hero's to come find her."Said an unknown voice.

"Gooooooood"she said, and had sssssss like noise at the end of it. " Send the bees to Beijing, make sure the half-bloods don't get passed there. If they do though, you're going back to Tartarus for a looooong timeeeeeeee." I heard the monster say a nervous yes and scuttle away.

"Perseus Jackson, I will kill you." Then the mysterious figure stood into the light and I saw who it was, my friend from all those years ago on the gateway arch: Echidna.

——————————————line break————————————

I woke up in my bed, thinking about what that dream was. Echidna wanted him dead, nothing new there. But what are these bees? Are they the same bees  that are in the prophecy? If they can chain up a god, they must be god themselves, but if it's a god, who? I don't remember any bee gods, I'll have to ask Annabeth. I decided to go tell Chiron what I figured out. I got dressed in my regular CHB shirt and jeans and set of to the big house.

"Chiron!" I shouted out to him!

"Percy, I'm just about to go to Olympus, I'm sure it can wait till later." Said Chiron kinda impatiently, like he's been pestered all morning by campers.

"I had a dream last night, I know who the new enemy is, and I know where we'll start."

"Really?" Said Chiron, suddenly intrigued by his words. "Call a meeting with the head counselors, I want to hear about this."

——————————————-time skip to da meeting———————————-

 Annabeths POV

"Percy, what is it? I asked curiously

"I had a dream last night, the monster were fighting this time is echidna." Said Percy

"The one from the gateway arch?"

"The exact same one."

"Oh gods..okay, do we know where she is?" I asked Percy 

"Don't know where she is but I think we have go to china, Beijing to be exact." He said.

"Why Beijing?" 

"Because the mist is especially strong there." Said Lou Ellen, head of the Hecate cabin. "The mortals see the air quality and pollution there as smog, but it's acutely a place where the mist is really strong. If you're wondering why, it's because my mom goes there on holidays for some reason.(I don't know okay, made that up, but Beijings air is really bad)

"All right we established where we'll be going, anything else you know Percy?" I asked him

"Yeah, she said something about a god they "secured", and something about bees."

Every body turned to Katie gardener

"Why you all looking at me? Said Katie skeptically 

The Percy spoke up and said "well, you're really good with flowers right? Don't bees like eat flowers or something? 

"First I'm good with plants in genral, and bees don't EAT flowers!" Said Katie, half joking  half screaming

I was going through all the myths I knew about bees, yet non seemed to match just bees. Then I thought of it, the Thriae, or θριαί in Ancient Greek. Melaina, Kleodora, and Corycia. They were the original oracles that lived in the corycian caves of mount parnassus in phocis. There the patrons of bees, so maybe that's what they are. But that wouldn't make sense, because the Thriae were the good guys, why would they be working for Echidna? I decided to speak up.

"I think I know who the bees are."

"Who?" Asked Chiron 

"The Thriae, patrons of bees."

"Really?! But there good nymphs! Why would they work for Echidna? Said Chiron, sounding more agitated

"Maybe cause the gods forgot them." Said Piper "It would make sense, I mean the naiads we saw in Rome, they were angry that they were forgotten. I've never heard of these bees, so they can't be that famous." Said Piper, kinda matter-of-factly.

"So the four of us set of for Beijing, and see what awaits us." Said Jason 

"Well if you wanna go anywhere you have to come find super sized mcshizzle to hook you up with a ride! Leo said grinning.

"All right, you four leave for Beijing tommorow, so go back to you're cabins and get rested, I'll see you at 8. Dismissed.

Every body left saying goodnight to Chiron.

—————————————————-—line break—————————————-——

Percy POV

I was sleeping regularly until I heard a sharp and quick "Percy!" I woke and fell of the bed. I Instinctively grabbed riptide until The mysterious voice reavealed it's self 

"Wise girl, what are you doing?" I asked in a hush tone 

"You don't want to see me?" She said in mock hurt

"You know that's not what I meant"

"I know seaweed brain, so you gonna scoot over or am I gonna stand here all night?" She said impatiently 

"Oh.. oh yeah" I said scooting over, allowing her to lie down.

We cuddled under the covers a bit and kissed a bit, I still don't know why I get butterflies in my stomach when we do this, we've been dating for so long know you would think that it would be easier, we'll nope. We fell asleep in each other's embrace and woke up to the sound of Leo yelling "Annabeth is sleeping in Percys cabin!

 "Crap"I though, this is not gonna be good.

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