Episode 2: Part 1

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Danielle's POV

"Happy birthday, girl!" I shout loudly to my best girly friend through a purple cell phone before I hang up unexpected. It's a thing we do on each other's birthdays. I enjoy it. Today is here birthday and she lives all the way back in California. This would be the first time we didn't crash her own party.

Every year, I would go to her party with a bag of silly string, streamers, and tons of other messy things. Her parents threw the most lame parties. Last year, Zen's face was dipped in her cake and pink silly string was tangled into her mom's hair. They always seem angry when we do this, but at the end of the night, all is forgiven and we all sit and watch Zen's favorite movies.

I sure will miss that.

Her birthday is coming up and she told me it's going to be so lame. She doesn't even know where to get silly string or streamers. She is so un-social. I remember one year, the cake ended up on her dad's head. Man, did she have the best parents ever. He didn't even care! What a blast we used to have. I'm going to be here in Gravity Falls for a while, so I'm probably going to miss some pretty awesome parties.

My birthday was coming up in a few weeks, too, and I know where to get all that stuff. I'll bring the house down! She may be shorter than me, but she's three weeks older.

After brushing my hair and throwing on some lip gloss, I head downstairs. I have my hair up in a ponytail because there's going to be a big heatwave coming today. Whatever.

I walk quickly through the forest as I make my way to the Mystery Shack. I see a girl with a purple sweater tied around her waist and a red ball in her hand. She must had heard about the heatwave, too. Her hair is tied into pigtails and she is bare footed.

I see a boy sitting on the steps on the building with an orange shirt and no shoes, too. They are prepared.

"Hey, Danielle," Mabel says as she tosses me the orange ball with the white stripe warpping around it, "want to play? Dipper says he's too tired to play ... Even though he just got out of bed!"

"Sure." I reply before I toss her the ball. A giggle followed shortly afterward.

Mabel and I keep tossing the ball back and forth. When we miss, we laugh, when it hits one of us, we say "Ow!"

"Sorry," Mabel says back to me. I thad hit me on the forehead. This girl has on heck of an arm. I won't be high fiving her any time soon. After a few minutes of tossing the ball, it flies passed me and into the forest.

"I'll get it!" I yell back, already taking off towards the trees that lead into it. I follow the ball.

I've been in her for five minutes and the ball is still rolling is see it in the distance. As I begin to run, the ball speeds itself up. What the heck!?

It's as if it's pushing itself! I finally see the ball begin to slow down. It stops right next to some glowing blue stone. I pick it up and some weird language is engraved in it ... What could it mean?

Mabel's POV

After the ball had rolled passed Danielle, she chased after it into thw forest. The weird thing is, she had been in there for fifteen minutes. When she finally came back, some weird stone with a string was hanging around her neck.

With the ball under her arm, she shows us the rock and something is engraved in it's side. It looks fimiliar ... I can't put my finger on it, though ...

Dipper rubs it with his hand. How long has he been standing next to me?

"Wow ..." He says. He must be intrested that lame old rock ...

Dipper's POV

I've never seen anything like this before. There was that one time when I found that size altering crystal, but this is different. It was beautiful, it makes Danielle look beautiful with it hanging loosley around her neck.

I walk over to rub it with my hand, I think I may have snuck up on Mabel because she jumped a little bit when my hand came into view. I feels so smooth, except the part with the engraving. It's like Chineas or something. Definetly not English.

I pull away to see Danielle's eyes piercing into mine. Her pale green eyes are too much for me to handle. I need to tell her how I feel. I've known her for a few days, I can't tell her yet.

She smiles with those white teeth showing. Mabel keeps looking at the engraving for some reason. She must really be intrested in it. Her eyes shoot wide and she runs into the shack. I hear a really loud slam. I'm assuming that was the attic door. She must have something on her mind.

"What's wrong with her?" Danielle asks me; therefore shoving me out of my thoughts.

"I don't know."

Danielle's POV

After Mabel's outburst, Dipper and I just sat and watched Duck-tective. I prefer Tiger Fist, but whatever. Dipper just sits there. He looks so tired. The heat must have worn him out. I see his eyes slowly droop down. A slight snoring is heard and drifts into his sleep.

Dipper is so cute when he's sleeping.

I hear a pacing sound come from above me. It's probably Mabel. She's been doing that a lot since she saw the stone.

After quietly leaving Dipper, I climb up the stairs, then up the ladder to see Mabel take a quick seat on her bed. This "rest" didn't last long. "Okay, that's it! What is your problem with me!?"

"It's not you ..." she says sternly before rising to her feet again. "It's that stone. I can't help but feel that in some way, it belongs to me. I swear I've seen that engraving before."

I stopped and though. How could she possibly have seen this engraving before? It looks like an alien wrote it on there ... I mean, come on. Is Mabel an alien? Of course not.

"I think ..." Mabel begins, "... I don't know." Mabel then removes her sweater and ties it back around her waist. She is weating a pink shirt that reaches her elbows underneath it.

After she rolls up her sleeve I see this weird thing on her arm. Oh ... my ... gosh ...

"Mabel! Your arm! Is that a birthmark!?" I shout as my finger points in the direction of the mark on her upper arm.

"That's where I saw it!" Mabel says as she face palms. "It's my birthmark, I feel so dumb!"

I put the rock against her arm. After comparing the two ... this rock ... belongs to Mabel! "Identical! This is yours!"

Mabel takes the rock and flips it over her head. The rock becomes a series of purple and blue, as if it is a lava lamp. Woah ... It's really pretty.

Mabel looks down and the engraving is translated into English. It reads 'Young child, come into the deepest part to reveal your start' Start of what? Is this some kind of riddle?

"Wow ..." Mabel says. "A mission." It seems pointless. You don't even know what start. It could possibly restart your life, show you your career, or something you really care about. I could mean anything.

"Mabel ... This could mean anything. It could hurt you." I say sternly. She could get hurt and I'm not about to let that happen to one of my greatest friends.

"You don't know that! It could be fun." Yeah ... It does seem that way, but everything isn't always what it seems.

"Fine, but I'm going with you. I'm good with puzzles, so is Dipper-" I say as I am interrupted.

"NO! We can't tell Dipper. Ever since last year when he saw how fragile I am, he's been all protective and would lock me up for eternity if he found out about this! He hardly lets me go on adventures anymore!" The jumble filled words poured out in a big series. She has a lot of breath.

"Fine ... But one wrong turn, and I'm telling him." I say as I give in to her plead.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" She really can talk fast, can't she? She pulls me into a death hug and I begin to lose my breath. Before I could say anything about it, she drops me and I hit the hard floor. Ow ...

"This is going to be so awesome!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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