Fixation Is In The Air

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Victor sat alone tonight, just like every other night before. He had attempted to cook something for himself, what he thought was going to turn out to be some sort of egg sandwich. Well whatever his intentions, he had rather messed it up, and so tonight he was going to have some pieces of toast with a strange, circular omelet that was rather charred on either side. His apartment was nothing to be impressed with, in fact he felt as though the students in the dorm halls were living at a higher standard than he was. The town to compliment Stoke Moran was a very underwhelming town, industrial back before the jobs were shipped overseas or to other, cheaper parts of the country. It was a town that would have gone under long ago, had there not been a college to fund the restaurants and hotels. The students were the life blood of the place, and yet the Professors who came to teach them had to resort to cheap apartments, rundown and falling apart ever since they were built sometime off in the fifties. Victor had moved into a single person apartment overtop of another, larger place. Below him there seemed to be a couple, though he had never formally introduced himself nor taken the time to acknowledge them in any way. He lived a quiet life, one which was beginning to feel more and more like solitary confinement. There was no charm to his home, just the bare walls and empty counters that he had moved into, nor was there any company to be found. It was perfect for playing his old records, perfect for weekends when he neglected ever to get dressed, and perfect for cooking things which burnt and stunk the entire complex up. Though a lonely apartment wasn't perfect in all aspects, and as he sat alone at the head of a table, well he couldn't help but think what a state he had gotten himself into. What a sad, lonely state. As Victor prodded at his food he couldn't help but allow his thoughts to wander, and as they so often did he found them back on the front porch of that frat house, Sigma Eta. The house had been just as impressive from up close as it had from afar, though from such a proximity you could appreciate the feelings it radiated, like some sort of electric current issuing from the walls. The more Victor thought of the house the more he wanted to know everything about it, its entire history from the time it was constructed to the time it was abandoned, and most importantly everything in between. From Victor's own college life he remembered fraternities as rowdy houses, filled with boys who didn't know good from bad, right from wrong, and in some cases left from right. They were places to have fun, to lose your mind in love and other drugs, and to forget about the world for a while. Though this house, the one which loomed in the corner of the Stoke Moran campus, this was different. Whatever fun times had happened within those walls, it was cancelled out with whatever else happened to lurk. Something had turned their good nights sour; something had poisoned their college experience and sent them all scrambling away. But ghosts...the talk of ghosts. Were there fatalities linked to the house, was this tragedy all that the word implied? And what of this promise, this allusion to a reoccurrence? Why was it that both the girl in white and the security guard spoke of the tragedy as destined to happen again? What could be inside of that house, if its tragedies were not a one time thing? Victor hung his head in his hands, disgusted now with his dinner as his stomach began to turn in uncomfortable knots. He wasn't entirely sure what he wanted at the moment, part of him was begging to stay as far away from that house as possible- another part was begging him to leave for it right now. As much as he wished to avoid tragedy there was a more ambitious curiosity rooting itself into his head, wishing only for Victor to press his nose against those window panes and get another good look inside. Perhaps he could catch a glimpse of what really lurked...or perhaps whatever was inside could catch a glimpse of him? A shiver of fright reminded him that staying put was undoubtedly the best option. It was too late to do any exploring, the darkness had settled like a thick fog upon the town. As frightening as the frat house may prove to be, well certainly there were more threatening things lurking upon the sidewalks at this time of night, strange people, nocturnal creatures that wandered upon the streets now that all traffic had fallen silent. No, Victor did not want to brave either of the horrors this old town had to offer. Best to stay protected, best to stay alone. 

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