The Harts

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"Boys and girls! I have an announcement to make!" Ms.Winters said gaining attention of the class. 

It was the end of the week and we had just come into school.

 I was chatting with Abbey about some TV show she wanted me to watch when our teacher called for our attention 

"Every year in 4th grade we have an annual picnic to fund raise for field trips and stuff. I am giving you a permission slip for your parents and guardians to come and join us!" The room erupted in chatter 

"I hope my dad can come!" I said to my table 

"My mom will definitely be there." Collin said clearly just as excited I was 

"I don't think my mom would be able to come." Abbey mumbled "But maybe my big sister can!" She said perking up.  I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't want anyone to be without a parent cause I know how that feels 

"If anyone doesn't have someone to come I will gladly share my dad." I said. Collin nudges me "You're too nice." He teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and he replicated my action. 

We barely got any work done that morning and just kept talking about the exciting picnic next week. Soon enough it was lunch time and we were swept up in the wave of students rushing into  the cafeteria.

Like everyday I went to check in with my brothers "Hey kiddo how's your day going?" Grey asked as I took the seat between him and Beau 

"Good. We have a picnic next week!" I told him excitedly. "Oh yeah, I remember going to the 4th grade picnic. It was super fun." My smile widened 

"I'm wicked excited." Beau turned away from his conversation with some boy I didn't know and looked at me. "What are we excited for?" He asked sliding an arm lazily over my shoulders. "The 4th grade picnic." I said leaning into his side 

"Ahh, I remember going to that. We were having fun until Grey decided to jump off the swing and broke his arm." Beau smirked at his twin. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Grey mumbled taking a bite of his sandwich. 

Just then Drew walked in with some girl I had never seen. Him and the girl sat in front of me and she smiled at me "Thea this is Jenna. Jenna this is Thea." Drew introduced "Jenna's had to do a project all week so you haven't met her until now." He explained 

"Hi Thea. Drew has told me so many things about you." Jenna smiled at me and she seemed very nice but I still felt shy so I sort of hid behind Beaus arm. "Hi." I said quietly "Thea's a little shy." Grey said to Jenna. 

She nodded "That's okay. Hey Thea I'm coming over tonight. I'm sure it'll be a much needed break from all those boys." She said making a funny face. I giggled quietly deciding I liked this girl. 

I was still a little wary of strangers so I stayed close to Beau while I was with them. I noticed how Jenna and Drew kept talking and Jenna kept blushing at things I could hear. "Do they like each other?" I whispered into Beaus ear. 

He chuckled "I don't know you'll have to ask Drew." He whispered back. I looked at them and they were both laughing and smiling. "I think they do." I murmured to my brother 

"What are you 2 whispering about?" Drew asked with a raised eyebrow. I blush at having been caught and hid my face in Beau's arm. "Go on tell him." I can hear the mischief in his voice. 

I look up and glare at Beau and hurry over to the other side of the table to whisper to Drew "Do you like Jenna?" I asked him. Drew's face turned tomato red. "Thee why don't you go back with your friends." He suggested 

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