Chapter 4

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A huge thanks to yinthedemon  for
this awesome book cover! Thank you Yin!

"Rali!" Raven shrieked out; Rali winced at the sudden shriek that sounded like a puppy was just kicked and a child saw it, "It's for you!"

Rali groaned as she pulled herself off her bed and fumbled into the main room where Raven was pouting at her. Which was confusing to say the least.

"What?" Rali asked, "Why are you pouting?"

Her brother huffed and looked away, "You could have told me you were invited to a party. I like parties too Li." he whined.

"What in the world are you talking about Raven?" Rali asked, biting down on her lip to keep herself from laughing at her oddly upset twin, "What party?"

"I think he means the magic event," a voice piped up and Rali glanced over and saw Starla awkwardly swaying in their doorway, her ever so slightly ray of death boyfriend behind her holding an athletics bag, "The whole class is going"

"Magic event?" Rali asked, "I didn't know that there was one today?" Rali knew the matches schedule by heart, Starlight's team was incredible, they were so good to learn from. Rali wasn't sure how she missed hearing about the event, but if she had the chance to go, you could bet that she'd be going.

"Well it's a practice meet." Starla corrected toying with her golden curls, "Starlight is looking for some new elemental fighters. Anyone can fight but they're looking for some talented new faces."

"Oh, I see, I'll check it out later, thanks for telling me!" Rali thanked, trying to will her tail to stop wagging and Starla giggled at her.

"Rali, we're inviting you to come with us," Starla explained, stepping into their dorm and lighting nudging Rali back towards her room, "We came here so we could go with you, so c'mon, let' go change clothes and we can go on our way."

"We?" Rali asked, awkwardly stepping back at Starla's silent demand and nailing the back of her foot into the side of the couch, "Ow!" Rali quietly hissed.

"Yes we! I have the perfect outfit for you! It'll only take a minute! Pyro, play nice!" Starla warned, shoving Rali into her room with surprising strength as Starla was like 5"2 flat and had no muscle tone. And yet she had no issue shoving Rali's 5"8 self like she was just flicking off a leaf from her shoulder.

"Now! Here put these on!" Starla ordered. At that moment Rali made the executive choice to see that Starla was in fact terrifying, with her genine, dripping with honey, sugary sweet voice, her short stature and terrifyingly strong limbs.

Rali made no attempt to argue with her as she fumbled to put on the red and black striped sweater and black jeans, as if it was any different than Rali's usual attire.

"Thanks Starla..." Rali turned and her face got unusually hot as she watched Starla gaze down at her newest sketch, "Please don't!" Rali begged lunging for the sketchbook as Starla glanced up.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize it was so personal, but your work is really good!" Starla commented, pulling herself up as Rali slammed the book closed, "It looks just like her too..."

Rali nodded and stuffed the book back onto her shelf and tailed out of the room where Pyro and Raven were having, what Rali assumed, was a staring contest. From the way their eyes were lowered into intense glares and how they were mere inches from each other, if Pyro hadn't already been dating Starla she would have assumed Raven found himself yet another girlfriend, er, boyfriend.

"Oh Pyro~" Starla hummed out as sweet as usual, and as soon as she spoke Pyro's eyes rushed to hers.

"Yes dear?" he asked, reminding Rali of a puppy from the way he stood obediently for Starla.

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