Adopted by Roadtrip pt2

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Shepherd's Bush preparations

Day 1:

Andy: come on boys!! We need to go outside to do rehearsal!!
Alyssa: am I coming as well?
Andy: yea!
Alyssa: ok!
Rye: I'll go wake up the others!
Andy: ok!
Alyssa: I'm back!
Andy: cute!

After rehearsals

Andy: are you making more flower crowns?
Alyssa: might do!
Andy: ok!

2 hours later

Andy: we're having a pool day!
Alyssa: are we using the outside pool?
Andy: yea!
Alyssa: ok!
Andy: are you coming in?
Alyssa: yea!

They get in the pool

2 months later

Shepherd's Bush Day

Andy: we are outside for the show!
Alyssa: ok!
Andy: ( Brooklyn screams)
Alyssa: wth?
Brooklyn: there was a 🕷 in my room!
Andy: ok!

When they are on stage

Alyssa: ( making a flower crown)
Andy: thank you Shepherd's Bush and goodnight!

When the come off stage

Alyssa: I'm tired!
Andy: let's go back to the tour bus!

When they get back

She gets changed

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