34| manic man

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Ever since I had woken up in arms that trapped me with their ruthless, evil strength, I forced myself to feel nothing, be numb to my surroundings so I wouldn't have to feel the fear that stroked my spine malevolently at the touch of the cool metal on my temple.

There was nothing I could do but wait in his hold, not trying to rub this man up the wrong way with only one little trigger between my life and death. He was manic and I just had to try and wait this one out, no matter how horrible it was.

I stood out in the cold, still in the dress that Lennox had gifted me as the chills overtook my legs, now working but they were still weak from the haze they had been under. As we stood with not me or Mathew talking, I had a feeling that we were waiting for someone but I just didn't know who and the tension felt unbearable, insufferable. I wanted nothing more than to be away from this man and his nightmare infested aura.

After a while, the darkness moved. I narrowed my eyes whilst keeping painfully still so I could see who it was and after several moments I did.

It was Grace.

I had forced myself to block out the pain and betrayal thick in my throat as I stared at her. She came into the light with no expression on her usually smiley face, her blonde locks and pale skin contrasting against the dark veil of the night. Grace had been my cousin, my friend all those years and she was the one to do this to me. She wasn't the one holding the gun to my head but she had as big a part to play in it as the monster holding me did.

When she looked at me, showing me a flicker of guilt, that was when I looked away. There was no way in hell I was going to even acknowledge her again. I didn't care what her reasons were but I couldn't think of one that would make me do to her what she did to me.

It was unforgivable.

With Grace's stare on me and the arms around me, I didn't know it was possible but I felt even more uncomfortable.

The cold, black river underneath us looked more tempting than where I was standing and I realised I'd rather be drowning in those murky depths than being where I was right now.

I heard some more new arrivals before I saw them, their footsteps louder than the river, taking control of my concentration. I held my breath to anticipate who this could possibly be but it was worse than I could've imagined.

My real father, Michael came into our vision with an expression on his face which couldn't conceal the worry followed by my mother whose emotions visible were the exact opposite to my father's.

Clarice was still prettily dressed up and if it wasn't for the scared look in her eye or the obsession I could see flickering in them towards my father, I would think she was her usual snobby, obnoxious self. Now I realised that it had all been an act, a cover-up to hide the crazy within.

Mathew's body tightened when he saw them and I wondered why he'd bring them here. I still didn't feel close to my father but I that didn't mean I wanted him caught up in Mathew's games. My discomfort at the situation grew, in line with the breeze that gained momentum, turning ferocious and sending wisps of hair all over my face.

But even despite these guests being unexpected, shocking and confusing, it was the people that came in a second later that really worried me and brought a chill to my blood.

Thomas Thornton was the first person I could see and but I could feel my heart thump into its feverish motion at the sight of the person behind him.

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