Chapter 3

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Quick. Think. I encouraged my stupid brain to come up with any idea but it had been blanked out since the first shot at the man. I rubbed my face and then glanced at the comatose human beside me. I hope he isn't really comatose.

The bloody man specifically said no to hospitals but who am I to obey him? He lay there bleeding and ruining my upholstery and I recoiled in disgust and some regret. I am sure he'll die if I didn't get him to a doctor as soon as possible. Starting the engine and making up my mind, I eased out of the small lane of my bakery. I glanced at him again and groaned for him. His injuries must have been hurting him a lot. I couldn't even see his face properly with all the blood. I pressed my lips shut to force down the nausea back the way it had raised in my throat.

The silence was bothering me especially when I couldn't get the dead man in front of my café out of my mind. The police will definitely come to know about it. What if they arrest me? Was I an accomplice to the bloody man? I began to sweat profusely. I can't take him to the hospital. They'll think...I don't even know what they'll think. God, Lucia will kill me. I singlehandedly will have managed to shut the café down without any actual involvement.

"No hospital," the man beside me grunted and I looked at him with relief.

"Then where am I supposed to take you? Please tell me the police won't take me away," I cried out keeping my eyes on the front. Last thing I wanted was a speeding ticket with this criminal of a man with me. My priorities were definitely set. I'll do the only thing which put me out of the police and criminal range. It was the only good thing my parents taught me, apart from showing that being drunk is not so much fun.

"Take me to your house. My men will pick me up from there," he said slowly clenching his teeth. I became furious immediately.

"I won't have your men in my house! I won't even have you there! You are some bloody unlawful criminal. And I'm going crazy!"

"Calm down, donna!" he winced and tried to sit up straight.

"Don't. You'll ruin the covers." He scoffed and continued whatever he was doing. I was driving my car round in circles now it seems. Spotting the same departmental store now for the third time I gave in and turned my head slightly.

"Where should I take you?" I asked for the final time.

He muttered something under his breath in Italian and said, "Your house, asina."

I frowned, "That sounded like ass. Did you call me an ass?"

"Just drive. What the fuck have I gotten myself into," he breathed to himself and I couldn't resist the urge to taunt.

"It's you. You are into this mess and you're dragging me as well," I glowered at him briefly as I turned the car into my apartment lane.

"You can't shut up, can you?"

"Is that a rhetorical question? Because it's offensive as fuck. Don't forget I am almost saving your life. Ungrateful brat." I parked at my designated stop and looked around if anyone was present. My apartment was cheap enough to lack basic security measures and before today, I was quite annoyed about that. Now, not so much.

His hand reached to his pocket where his gun lay and he pointed that way. "And I'm in control here babe."

I wrinkled my nose at him and got out of the car. I glanced around once again. I didn't want to be seen with this man. He stepped out slowly and I knew each and every step he took hurt him very much. I sighed and went to help him walk; I wasn't that of a bitch. Holding him gently on his waist, I allowed him to drop some of his body weight on me while we walked to my flat. If he was surprised by my assistance, he didn't show. What a bastard.

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