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Tyson sat with Tatsuya in the drawing room, it was a traditional Japanese style room with a long, short-legged table surrounded by cushions.

Grandpa Ryu poured green tea in four cups and Hiro brought a tray of tea-cakes from the kitchen to the table. It was one of those rare occasions where the whole Granger family would be found together under the same roof.

"Yesterday, this T-dawg and his homie Max broke my dojo's bulb, destroyed the groceries, and scared poor Mrs. Shinohara away." He said conversationally.

"No we didn't." Tyson took a huge bite from of the breads.

Hiro took a judgemental sip from his cup, much to Tyson's dismay.

"And Daichi that poor boy got a concussion, I was going to make him special dinner. I hope he visits again."

"But Grandpa it wasn't me! Hillary and Mariam were messing with the kendo sticks." Tyson said indignantly.

"Yeah sure." Hiro said, reaching for the tray of tea-cakes, which Tyson moved away from his grasp. "Tyson, stop being childish. Put it down."

Tyson stuck his tongue out at him and turned to his Dad giving him his best puppy dog look. "Come-on, you believe me. Right, Dad?"

"You've always been a little chaotic." Tatsuya smiled and turned the page of the newspaper he was reading.

"You're supposed to be on my side!"

"It's hard to believe. Can you blame us?" Grandpa said sharing his son's smile.

It was always infuriating when they do that, like they were sharing a secret. He wished there was a similar understanding between him and his Dad. Maybe it was because he was the only child. He looked disdainfully at Hiro, who rolled his eyes.

"Fine, whatever. I don't care what you all think." He plopped back on his seat and put the tray down.

"Well, no one got hurt." Grandpa examined the bread before giving it a test bite, humming approvingly.

Tyson groaned loudly, resting his head on the table.

Hiro nodded, "we'll wait till somebody loose a limb to react properly."

"Here's to hoping it wasn't you." Tyson sat up and lifted his cup in a toast, earning a amused reactions in return.

"As if." Hiro huffed.

"We were just pulling your leg, son." Tatsuya ruffled Tyson's hair affectionately.

"Well I was doing the same."

Ryu shook his head at the boys, he never understood the change in their relationship.

The door bell rang, attracting the attention of the family.

Hiro rose from his seat to attend the door but Grandpa patted his arm, "I called the Gardner, the back yard needed the regular tending. I'll go show him the yard."

After he left the room, it only had an occasional sound of Tyson munching on cake, Hiro sipping tea and Tatsuya turning the page. After a while Hiro left the room.

Tyson glanced at his father briefly whose eyes were trained on the paper, but the brief flicker of his eyes told him that the stretching silence bothered him too.

He stared at the empty tray and wished there were more cakes left. They work as good excuse to avoid conversation.

"Tyson! Grandpa said go get groceries for tonight, the bag is by the door."

He hadn't been that relieved after hearing Hiro for a long time, he didn't even argue with him as he left for market.


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