chapter 2- the world is ugly

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A thick, silver band was tightened around his throat, followed by the ends of each rod being tied to his wrists. The weight pressed against the back of his neck, dragging his body downwards. The surface was rough and as he moved out of the cage the friction forced blood to leak from his wrists. Now Axel knew why they had left his wrists free to the torture. His entire body was a bloody mass of muscle, paper thin skin that could blow away with a single gust of wind and wounds that weren't allowed to heal. Pain was the only thing that made him feel alive but he was so used the unpleasant warmth of it, it gave the hope of a false end. Now, the only pain that would increase in waves was from the nape of his neck since it carried the foreboding weight.

His face was mostly untouched- an unfinished canvas of torture.

Reluctantly, he followed The Things as the shrieks of disappointment followed him. He thought that he had become numb- that he was unable to feel anything but physical pain- but as soon as he left the enclosure tears spilled down his cheeks. Ugly, deep moans forced their ways up his throat. Scrunching up his face, he staggered and felt waves of nausea rush over him as he left the amusement park. As soon as he walked through the tall iron gates which were suffocating in ivy and cobwebs, a Thing raised its arm and unclenched its hand so a piece of cloth fell. Instead of falling to the ground, an invisible gust of wind reached out from the Thing's outstretched arm and pushed the cloth towards Axel.

Magic existed, just not in the form that he expected. He hardly noticed the slight jerk in the Thing's arm which forced the cloth to wrap around his eyes. The cloth was made of a material that Axel didn't recognise. Contrary to what it looked like, it had the texture and density of wood. Everything became the darkness that a dead person would see in a coffin.

The walk was long and unforgiving.

Although he stumbled around in the dark, instinct took over. Even though he didn't know where he was going, his brain told him The Things were right ahead of him and he must follow them. The food that they had given him last night (the usual beige, lumpy slop) had tasted different. Clearer even, if that made any sense. If they had added some kind of potion to it, Axel wouldn't be surprised.

Although he was blind, there were so many other ways he could see. Tears leeched into the cloth but each drop that slid down his cheek felt like silk. Gravel shifted beneath his feet, cutting them. Now he was out of the enclosure, he was suddenly aware that he was very much naked.

When the pain on his body waned, his muscles tensed with embarrassment and the feeling of exposure. Although the air was dry like bone, winds were beginning to climb higher and further. Grimacing as he stepped on a jagged stone, he tried to push away all thoughts. The pain was warm and low but terrible like the clamour of thunder.

Quickly, he fell tired. There was nothing left in him. Surely, Faceless had other means of transportation. Was this another form of torture?

As his muscles seized up, he felt himself slow down although he willed himself not to. A sharp pain erupted in his chest. He gasped for air. A certain level of exhaustion pairs well with insanity and this was it. Temporarily, Axel wanted to dislocate his mind from his body and waft in and out of existence as wind did. Choking back blood, he dragged his limbs across the dusty plains.

"Please," he said, finally. He did not think asking was an option but this was unbearable. His body was shutting down. "Can we stop for a moment?"

Something in him told him to stop. Relief came with each gasp of slowly steadying breath. However, it quickly dissipated. He could feel the air grow heavier with increasingly watchful eyes.

"You are weak," they said in unison, an eerie tone ringing in their voices. "Humans became so reliant on comforts such as means of transportation, they let their planet take the fall. Now, it is your turn to take the fall. Before you kill us all.

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