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CHAPTER TWENTY FIVEWITNESSING MURDER "want you to cry me a river"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"want you to cry me a river"

Dylan liked to believe she was an independent woman.

She actually kind of was. After loosing her mother, and avoiding her father, she learnt how to live by herself. Yes, Murphy was her number one supporter throughout it all, but he had his own stuff to deal with. This was how Dylan learnt an important life lesson; if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself. That, and her father was a real dick sometimes.

If you had asked the Kane girl back at the Ark if she'd be in Bellamy Blakes arms barely conscious, down on earth being carried through the dark woods, she would've accused you of being batshit crazy. There was just no way. But here she was, in the middle of the night, being carried bridal style by Bellamy Blake through the dark woods down on earth, barely conscious. Watching all those movies and reading about all those hopeless princesses, Dylan had decided never to be the damsel in distress. Earth was currently laughing at younger Dylan for thinking it would be possible to survive all those curveballs thrown at her on her own.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Bellamy was there to save the day. Like always. Back when the two where thick as thieves, Bellamy had a thing for following the law. Maybe because his mother was breaking it. Dylan had a thing for breaking the law, mainly because her father was following it. Whenever Dylan did something stupid, Bellamy was there to clean up her mess and whenever she tried to do something she wasn't suppose to do, he was there to stop her. Murphy was the complete opposite, seeing as he was encouraging her rebellion against her father and the laws of the Ark.

Bellamy said something into the makeshift radios Raven and Monty had made, but Dylan was too out of it to even muster the energy to decipher what exactly they were talking about. Bellamy was informing the others on the search party that he had found on one of three (the other two being Clarke and Finn) and that he would be returning to base while the others continued searching.

"Hang on there, Dyl." Bellamy mumbled reassuringly as he hurried up. He needed to move quickly. He didn't need to be Abby Griffin to know that a barely conscious girl bleeding from her head was a bad sign.

"Fucking hell. I'll be damned if I die in your arms, Blake. Hurry the fuck up!" Bellamy silently chuckled as he sped up. It was typical Dylan to be sarcastic and snarky in urgent situations like this.

Dylan, as previously mentioned, wasn't afraid of death. She was however, prepared. It wasn't a certainty, but she had planned her death. Some time after Murphy dies (she was going to live longer then that little shit, that's for sure) she would heroically jump infront of Octavia (or someone else of importance), taking a bullet for them. Then some Prince Charming (anyone available and hot really) would catch her, and she would slowly, but peaceful, slip into darkness in his arms, everyone around her mourning her death and the lack of her fantastic presence for all eternity. Bellamy Blake was definitely not going to be that guy. For that reason alone, Dylan was refusing to die.

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