xix. my girl.

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head in the clouds. chapter twenty.
SUMMARY ; margo and jeffrey spend one last night together.

shall i stay, would it be a sin?
oh, for i can't help, falling in love with you

JEFFREY EASILY managed to carry margo on his hip to his bedroom, by now he had grown quite used to it. margo took this time to lean her forehead against his shoulder and catch her breath, letting him take care of opening the door and flicking the light switch on. jeffrey carefully laid the girl down on her back, hovering over her to dip his head down and kiss at her neck, his mouth trailing everywhere. margo hummed, her one hand twisting into his hair.

"daddy.." margo moaned when she felt the palm of jeffrey's hand cup her in between her legs through the shorts he had given her. jeffrey kissed over her collarbone as his hands worked to remove the last of their clothing, and once he had successfully done so he returned his fingers to their previous position on the girl. margo's back arched up off the bed, her eyes falling shut and her grip in his hair tightening at the feel of his bare hand against her.

margo whimpered when his hand pulled away from her, her hips pushing up off the bed in attempt to follow his touch. he moved one hand to her neck, wrapping his fingers around her throat as he leaned down to press his mouth to hers, the girl immediately copying his actions. the two haven't been in this position since the first time they touched each other back in that house in florida, that night seemed like years ago to both of them, a night that they each thought about fairly often.

once jeffrey had all her clothes off and scattered around the bedroom floor, he started to trail his mouth down her body, starting from her neck and leading down to the spot she wanted him most. margo whined and twisted the sheets in her fists, eyes screwing shut and her hips raising up off the bed. jeffrey kissed the inside of her thigh.

"sorry baby, but daddy's gonna take his sweet time with you tonight."


jeffrey was the first to wake the following morning, he could see through the thick beige curtains covering the window right above the head frame of the bed that the sun was just beginning to rise. margo was peacefully asleep on his chest, the white fluffy comforter pulled up past her shoulders, he could feel her upper body rising and falling with each breath she took. he knew it would be a little while longer until she woke— she was definitely worn out from the events of the night prior, and he was perfectly okay with that, he wasn't ready to let go of her just yet.

jeffrey would've done anything if it meant he got to keep margo all to himself, he knew it was selfish but he truly could not stand the thought of another man ever laying a finger on her. she was always going to be his in his mind, she was such a precious thing he could only hope she made the right decisions from here on out, considering he would no longer be present to help guide her. though something told him with the way he's spoiled her throughout the few years they spent together, she wouldn't settle for much less.

she was a smart girl, she was more than capable of handling herself if she thought with her head and not her heart. it crushed jeffrey to know he was leaving her with barely one parent, margo had told him all about diana practically checking out of the household, he could only hope the two would be able to reform some kind of relationship, even though margo deserved so much better than that woman.

despite him wanting differently, jeffrey knew all contact would have to be cut off, margo wouldn't ever be able to move on with her life if she continued visiting him on the weekends and calling him when every little problem occurred. though jeffrey wanted nothing else than to baby her and solve everything for her, she needed to learn how to fix things herself. it was the biggest reason she had such an emotional attachment to jeffrey, he handled all her issues and god forbid one thing went wrong in her daily life he was there to fix it, margo has never done anything alone in her life.

head in the clouds | jd.morganWhere stories live. Discover now