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Levon had spent the whole day in her room. She just couldn't help her state of helplessness at the time. Liam, Leo and Mason had tried calling her for lunch to no avail. It wasn't because she was not hungry, she just couldn't face them yet. She was upset and she was going to deal with it herself.

On her phone were texts and missed calls from Blair. She knew he just wanted to check on her but then she had decided against it. The whole situation had her getting a lot of thoughts. Sure Blair was temporary but he had found a way to anchor in her heart. What was she going to do about that?

Her family was being unreasonable but they were also right. That morning she had felt it, her connection with Blair went deep. Why was it so complicated then?

Right then it hit her how she had somehow become a defiant, bad daughter and sister. She wasn't sure what she meant to Blair. Sure he had said some really good things about he wanted her but did it go deep or had she fallen in her own ditch?

Breaking out of her thoughts, she heard a whisper yell from her window. She hoped it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her. Curiously, she made it for the window only to be stopped in her tracks.


Blair stood on the ground just below her window. Did the guy have a death wish? Thankfully his brothers were back to the auto shop.

"Jesus Blair! What are you doing here? Are you out of your mind?" Levon scolded.
"You didn't answer my calls or my texts. You got me worried so I had to make sure you are okay." Blair replied like it was the most appropriate thing to say at the time.

Couldn't he just take a hint? Even though her heart thudded against her ribcage in surprise and happiness, she wouldn't let him know. She didn't know she missed him until now and that wasn't a good thing. They weren't several hours since they saw each other and she had become so dependant. Her fears had come alive in more ways than she percieved.

"I am okay. Can you please leave before anyone sees you?" she begged.
Levon looked around the neighborhood then back to him.

"Will you come down and talk to me at least? I deserve that, don'tyou think?" Blair pleaded.

Her heart ached at his plea. His icy blues evoked a feeling she didn't want. He was right after all that took place that morning. He deserved an apology for the way her family had treated him. Sighing, she muttered.

"A minute."

When she opened the front door, he was there waiting for her.
"Come in." he ushered him inside. Blair followed from behind her taking in the appearance of her home.

"I don't know what you normally would like. A soda, water..."

Blair stopped her with a hand on her nervous one.
"Levon." he stared at her. How she hated his look then. She wasn't looking her best in anyway. At least the reflection in the mirror before she came down didn't lie. Her hair was messed up and her eyes were red rimmed and puffy and her skin was pale.

She wore her feelings on her sleeve and right then she was bare for him to see through her. She hated it. She slowly pulled her hand away from his.

"What would you like then?" she asked lowly.
"Nothing. I just came to talk to you." he replied.

"Blair, I am sorry for the way my family treated you. I knew that was coming and I didn't stop you." she apologized.
"It is completely not your fault. It is my fault actually. I insisted on driving you home and I don't regret doing it despite whatever happened." Blair muttered.

"They would have hurt you."
"But they didn't." he deadpanned.

"I am fine Levon. I am here to see you." Blair leaned his forehead against hers.

"It is you am worried about, how are you feeling?" Blair whispered his gaze down on her.

Levon didn't know how she was feeling. The jamble of emotions inside her made her rethink everything. Blair, her family, her self, it all made her dizzy.

"Do you want to sit down?" he asked. She nodded at her question.
"I have something to tell you though." Her voice was eloquent then. Blair frowned but urged her to go on.

"We can't see each other again."

A grave silence filled the room. She felt Blair stiffen against her. She felt herself burn by her own words. When had she thought about that? Perhaps when she lay in bed or when she headed downstairs to open the door for him. Either way the silence was getting to her. She needed him to say something.

"We can't see each other again Blair." she repeated more clearly.

This time he pulled away slightly pinning his gaze on her.
"You are joking right?" he asked unbelievably letting out a ridiculous dry laugh. Levon's gaze remained on him serious.

When he realised she was serious, he frowned.
"You can't do that Levon. Is this about what happened earlier? Did I hurt you in anyway? God Levon!" he murmured frustrated.

"It is not about you Blair." she mumbled out loudly.
"Then what is it about Levon, you tell me?"

His bitter tone stung. The words felt like acid on her tongue.

"You should go." Levon whispered weakly putting a distance between them. It was unfair but she needed to do it after all a few days from then, the same thing was bound to happen. Did it lessen the pain? Hell no.

Blair violated her plea by getting into her space again pulling her closer to him.

He did it. He kissed her raw and hard like he couldn't get enough. His lips coaxed her to move and they obeyed. She reveled in his taste, so sweet, warm and felt like home. It was insane to think so but the guy holding her right then had grown to mean so much in her life.

"Did you feel that?" Blair asked when he pulled back.
"That is not goodbye Levon. I don't know what is wrong with you and why you are saying all that but I am not giving up just yet, at least not without a fight." Blair breathed.

"That kiss was telling you to sort your shit because you are not getting rid of me that easily."

Levon's inside quivered. What was he saying?

"If space is what you need, I will give you but I will be here when you need me."

Blair kissed her forehead before he headed for the door. He walked out that door smoothly like she hadn't just wrecked her entire existence. Oh damn him!

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