First day at UA

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This has a bit of a haikyu cross over tee hee

Tami POV:

Fuck, i already missed the first week of UA because Venom forced me to eat onlt tater tots and chocalate and i becasme very ill for a week, apperantly there was an attack for the students in class 1A, i was joining today. I got up and took a quick shower combing my curly hair int a slick back with a white ribbon at the end of the ponytail part. I put on my uniform and my eyepatch. I sighed.
'renember the rules, no boy, no other people touching your no no square, dont murder someone, dont yell bullshit at aizawa, eat your chocalate'

"Tsk, your the one who will be willing to bite anyones head off" i said

Venom popped out and screeched "BITCH WHAT!? I WOULDN'T! Say the one who was blasting hispanic music at 2 in th morining and was acting high" "I WAS NOT" I screeched "whatever, lets go now" i sighed. I ran downstairs and saw my brother deji already about to leave,i ran to the fridge to grab a chocalate bar but there weren't any "DEJI YOU DIPSHIT! DID YO EAT MY CHOCALATE" i yelled while chasing after him. We walked our seperate ways and i got to a door with 1A in big letters, i pushed open the door and walked in, all eyes were on me when suddenly a rather tall boy came up to me and said "Excuse me ma'am, i believe you are in the wrong calssroom, please leave if this isn't your classroom" said the boy with stern hand movments, my smile faded and i said "No, i pretty sure this is the right classroom, i missed the first week because i got ill, i would appreciate it if you didn't make assumptions" i said 'egotistical bitch' i heard venom say, i walked past him and sat down in an empty seat. Class started soon and bam, aizawa came in with bandages, "Good morning class, as we see, we have a new student, please treat her with respect" aizawa said "Hi im Tami Tanaka but please call me Tami! Hope we can all be on good terms" i said with a bright smile 'then we tear the apart...' said venom "venom no.." whispered so no one heard me. English finished and then came lunch, i walked to the cafeteria and got some cold soba because cold soba is the best. I sat down and pulled out myy phone and texted Kiyoko, my best friend, i heard she was the manager of karasuno volley ball team.
                                                                                                                         Tami: Hey Kiyoko-san! Just wanted to ask hows your day going?
Kiyoko-san: Hey Tami! I'm doing just fine! I was wondering if you could vist us anytime?
Probaby today if you have any spare time?
                                                                                                    Tami: Of course! Whats the adress! I'll text you when i get there after school.
Kiyoko-san: Cool, ill be waiting

I put my phone away and suddenly Mina came up to me and said "WHo was that Tami?" "oh thats a friend onf mine that im going to vist after school" i said "cool beans, mind if i sit with you!" said mina and the rest of her group "not at all" i said with a grin "so tell me Tami-sam, whats your quirk?" said Kirishima "well kiri, my quirk is called Venom, She has a parasite thing that is with her, it is increnibly strong, basically venom can enchnce her physical ablitys along with her senses, she can shoot tendril things and sometimes venom comes out but thats only when delaing with non-human monsters" i said "wow thats pretty neat!" said kiri "oh well thanks kiri" i said with a bright smile.

I was walking and following the directions that Kiyoko gave to me to the gym where we were going to meet up since she wanted me to meet the players. I finally got there and pulled out my phone.

                                                                                                                                                             Tami: Hey Kiyoko-san! Im waiting outside!
Kiyoko: I see you, let me open the dorr really quick, your the first on here, other than me so we can hang for a bit
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tami: Cool Beans
I heard the door open and there stood my best fiend Kiyoko "KIYOKO-SAN!! I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN SUCH A LONG TIME" I yelled while hugging her, considering how short I was i basically hugged her and clung onto her sde like a koala, she hugged me back and patted my head. "Its nice to see you to Tami!" said Kiyoko."so hows being manager of karasuno so far?" i said "pretty good, i haven't met most of the first year but i kinda wanna see what happens" said Kiyoko "i want to meet karasuno, how much ti'll they get here" i said "probably like 2 minute" sai kiyoko, i dug in my backpack and pulled out some Jagarico and handed one to Kiyoko, we ate and vibed till 3 people walked in, a gry haired guy, black haired guy and one with a buzz cut. Kiyoko dragged me over to them "Hi! This is Tami my best friend, shes a first year at UA high school and is traning to be a hero" said kiyoko "Hiya! Its a pleasure to meet you all!" I said with a smile "so what are your names?" i said 'ABORTABORTMISSIONFAILEDABORTABORT!!! I WANT CHOCALATE!! NOW I HAVE TO KEEP YOU AWAY FROM BOYS AND GIRLS' screeched venom though i could only hear him unless he popped outside. "Im Sugawara, thats daichi and thats Tanaka!" said Suga "Im Tami Tanaka! Nice meeting you all!" i said, i sat down on a bench and pulled out my phone and texted my mom where i was

                                                                                                                             Tami: Mi Mom! Im hanging out with Kiyoko! I'll be back by 7.

Mother: Ok

I decided that since my contacts were being annoying asf i was going to wear my glasses, i took out my contacts and put on my round glasses. I walked towards Kiyoko "I wonder what kinds of abilitys they have, im kinda exited to see this" i said to kiyoko, she nodded and stole a piece of my chocalate, i glared at her 'THIS BITCH DID NOT JUST STEAL MY CHOCALATE! LET ME OUT IM GOING TO KILL HER' i rolled my eyes at Venoms remarks and stood there, Leaning on Kiyokos shoulder. I watched as two kids, the incarnation of an orange and a black haired boy walked in, other stuff happened which i forgot about but  started doing my homework when i felt a tap on my shoulder, i turned my head to see a oranga haired boy, i tilted my head confused "how can i help you" i said "oh, i was wondering what school you go to..." said th eorange haired boy "well i go to UA high, my names Tami nice to meet you" this seemed to attract the attention of most "wow you go to UA?" said Suga "y-yeah but its really nothing, anyways! I would like to get to know you all so what are your names?" i said "Tsukishima" "Yamaguchi" "Hinata" "Kageyama" "Tanaka" "well it nice to meet you all, but i should get going, i have school tommorow" i said while standing up, this seemed to shock them considering im 4,something "Y-your sorter than me" said hinata "what about it, being short come with benifits, you can kick people in the knee caps withe ease, you can also be a master at hide and seek" i said sarcastically while walking to kiyoko . "Bye Kyoko!" i said while hugging her, i turned and walked away. Pretty decent first day....

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