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my mother and father were shot dead by a cop, my mother had rich dark skin, my father was japanese, my mother was reaching for her liscence and bam, they were shot. At the age of 4 i learned that not all men are created equal, me and my brother tanaka witnessed our parents death at the hands of a white cop just because the cop had racial assumption and believed she was pulling out a gun, she was pulling out her liscence. On that very day, my brother tanaka Deji (12) decided we were going to flee the country. He didn't want me living in a toxic enviorment where we had to fear being shot by the cops everyday, where we had to be scared of being tageted just because our skin color is darker than everyone elses. On that very day, was when Venom chose me to be his new host. We were walking with our backpacks going to the airport when a black blob came to me and entered my body, he introduced himself as Venom, only my brother knew about Venom because he witnessed it.

'where are we going?'

"were going to japan, we can't live in america anymore" i said to Venom

'why exactly?'

"well you see....*after explaining"

'oh, i'll be by your side no matter what happens, i will beat any hoe up'

"hoe? what is that" i said

'right, your 4'

we got to the airport and boarded the plane, we got to japan once i woke up, we grabbed our luggage and left, we were at a park, we didn't have a house. We slept on a park bench for that cold night but i felt myself being woken up, i turned to see a women with a hero outfit and long hair "hey, are you guys ok?" said the female voice "n-no, we don't have any where to go, we just left america, ask m-my brother why b-but no, were not ok" i said, tear threatening to spill out of my heterochromic eyes "can you wake up your brother so he can tell me what happened?" said a gruff voice behind the women, a shabby looking man that looked like he haden't slept said "o-of course" i said "Deji, wake up" i said while nudging him "what is it Tami?" said Deji "t-tell them why we left, they want to know, they don't look like they are going to hurt us so i think we can trust them" i said quietly "a cop shot our parents because of there skin color, i didn't want her to grow up in a place like that so we left america considering how man crimes occur, i didn't want her to go through that" said Deji. The heroes eyes widened and the hero which went by the name of midnight engulfed us in a hug. "Im so so so sorry" said midnight "please don't apoligize" i said "since you have no where to go, how about you stay at one of the heroes houses?" said midnight "that would be lovely" i said, she picked me up while my brother walked behing Aizawa, i fell asleep in her arms once we got to UA. Both pro heroes walked in the office and all eyes turned to them "who are they?" said Nezu "oh, we found them at the park! They have no where to go so i was wondering if I could take them in?" said midnight "well, i suppose you ould, but is it really ok to have two kid grow up with a r-rated hero" said the rat guy "i dont really mind it" i muttered "oh your awake! may we aske you some questions?" said a loud blonde, I flinched at his yelling and said "o-ok" "whats your quirk?" said loud guy "i dont know what its called but i sorta got it today" i said "yup, im her quirk" said venom while popping out of me "v-venom, i could have said that" i said to the parasite coming out "i see..." said Nezu "i suppose you could" said nezu. And that ladys and gentle men is how Midnight became my adoptive mother.

10 year passed, im 15, going to enter Highschool, i was homeschooled most of my life, until i was going to UA high, through recomendations.

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