shinso x denki

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Shinso's POV

it's was 2 in the morning.
'I didn't get sleep again.'
I thought as I watch tv and to a sip of my coffee.
'I'm going to get in trouble.'
I thought as I realized that my coffee is empty.
I look over at a pile and saw that's this was my 15 coffee.
"I think I have a problem."
I watch the tv till it was time to go to school.

I was walking in the hall when I heard.

"Hey did you hear about class 1-As idiot?"
"Yeah, he's so dumb."
"But he has a powerful quirk."
"But that's what makes him so dumb."

I got mad and I walk up to them and spoke.
I said mad.
They responded with and I brainwash them.
"You two better leave him alone. Of you two every mess with Denki kaminari you well be sorry!!!"

I let go of the mind control and I heard: villain.

It made my mad but I had to go to class.

As I walk I was Denki talking to someone.
I walk slowly to heard what he was talking about.
"So we go at 3 a clock?"
"Yeah sure see you a 3."

Denki was talking to jirou but what did he mean by 3 o'clock.

I saw that jirou want to class and Denki walk to class.

I couldn't do anything I was going to be late for class.
'I'll ask him later.'

It was lunch and I usually eat alone but I went to the class 1-A table.
"Hey shin."
Denki said.
I said
"Hey shinso."
Jirou said with a smile like she was happy to see me.

Jirou POV

I was talking to Denki before class started. I know that he had a crush on a boy. I'm his friend and I the only person he has ever hung out with the most.
"So we go at 3?"
"Yeah sure see u at 3."
I said walking to class.
'I'm pretty sure his crush is shinso. One time when we hung out he sketch
Someone and the hair was messy and I knew who it was.
I wanna help him. He's my friend and I'll do whatever to make him confess to shinso.

After class went to lunch.

I sat next to Denki. Then shinso came up to our class table.
I heard him say.
"Hey shin."
Denki said.
Shinso reply with
"Hey shinso."
I said smiling.
"Can I sit with you guys?"
He asks. I saw that's Denki was about to speak but I spook first.
"Sure I'm mostly done eating anyways you can take my spot."
I got up as I said this and pick up my trey and when to set with the girls.
I sat next to mina and she said.
"Do you like kaminari?"
I look at her and said:
"No, I'm trying to help him to confess to shinso."
"What he likes shinso."
I said.
"I thought he was straight?"
"His bi."
"His bi!"
I quietly yell.

"But I thought he like you?"
That's hit me hard cause I did like him but I never confessed so that's why I wanna help him confess to shinso.
"Well, you thought wrong."
I said with a hint of madness. I look over at kaminari and I could tell that he was uncomfortable.

Denki's POV

I was sitting next to shinso and I could feel my face heat up.
"You ok?"
He asked
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just -um.."
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
I got scared. 'What he wanna ask me? Is it something good or bad. Uhhh what to a say.'
I responded with.
'Why did I say sure!?!'
"Ok um, do you wanna hang out after school."
He asked.
'What but I'm busy!! What do I say?!'
I didn't respond. I look at jirou and made a can you help me look.
She grabs a paper and wrote something on it than through it at me.
I read it and it said: just say that your busy we have to meet at 3 or the surprise will be ruined.
"What's that??"
Shinso ask.
I panicked again and said with got thinking :
"It's a hangout message!!"
I look back a jirou and she facepalmed.
'Now I feel stupid!"
Before I could correct myself the bell ring and we all had to go back to class.

Shinso left and went to his class.
I walk to jirou and say :
"What am I doing wrong?"
"1 not following the plan. 2 you didn't listen and 3 you mostly just an idiot."
"Why is it when we're you call me an idiot, it makes me feel better."
"Because I'm your friend."
I ask.
"Your joking right?"
"Yeah come on we have to go to class."

I walk to class and I had to wait for the plan.

I was 10 minutes till it was time to go to the dorms and I couldn't focus.
Then the bell rang and I ran out of the room to the dorms. It was almost 3.

At the dorm, I found jirou.
"Ok, kaminari do you remember what to do?"
I thought of a second.
"Really ok you call shinso and ask him to meet in the living room then you confess that you like him and if he likes you it a win."
"Uhhh can you repeat that for me?"
"Really ok short version call shinso, meet in the living, say you like him, and see what happens."
"Oh ok."
I called shinso and waited for him to pick up.
"Hey, shinso do you wanna hang out r-right now."
I said with a mild stuttered.
And he responded with
"Sure I'll come in like 5 minutes."
"Oh ok."
I hung up as fast as u could. I look and jirou and she facepalmed again.
"Well I'm sorry I'm trying so hard but I don't think I can do this."
"Of course you can just believe that you can."

I smiled. I then went to the living room and waited jirou went to the kitchen and hid there. Then I heard knocking on the door.
I went and open the door and I said hi to shinso.
We went to the living and sat on the couch.
"I'm shinso I-I wanna tell you something."
I said starting to blush.
He said. I look back to the kitchen and jirou lift her head and nodded for me to go for it.
I sighed and look at shinso then spoke.
"Shinso I like u."
"As a friend?"
"No. I love u."
He looks shocked after I said this. I felt sad but then he said:
" I love u too."
I felt happy the someone push me and
Shinso into a kiss.

Jirou POV

After a heard them say that they love each other I sneaked close to them and push them into a kiss. And not gonna lie after it happened they got into it. It took them a minute before they had to take in air.
"So you welcome."
I said and I leave them alone for the rest of the night.

No one POV

15 years later.

"Dad, dad."
Shinso heard in his home it was his 7 years old daughter.
"Yes, Shokku?"
"Have you seen Kashikoi and kanri?"
Kashikoi is shinso and kaminari's son he's only 5. Kanri is their 4-year-old daughter.
"I think there with papa."
"But papa is at work remember."
"Well look I'm busy right now as you know who."
"Auntie jirou?"
"Yeah, maybe Kashikoi and kanri are there."

Shokku walk away and tried to find her siblings. When she found them they were in bed sleeping then jirou pick her up.
"Hey, Shokku how are you?"
"I'm fine but why are kanri and Kashikoi sleeping?"
"They're tired and I'm guessing you are too."
Jirou said booping her nose
"No, I'm not *yawns* tried."
Jirou took her to her bee to sleep and jirou went to the living.

The end

I hope you enjoyed this

So took me like a day but I don't care. Bye and plus ultra!!!

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