shinso x deku part 1

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Now that I'm doing this right
Ship suggests by

Deku's POV

I was walking to class when I bumped into someone. I fell to the ground and before I could see who it was. I heard footsteps like they were running away.
'Who was that?'
Then I heard uraraka.
"Deku-kun you ok?"
She said as I got up.
"Yeah I'm fine I just bump into someone that's all."
"Do you know who it was?"
"No, before I could see who it was they ran off."
"Well maybe you find out who it was, but we better hurry or we'll be late."
Uraraka said smiling. We went to class and Iida said we were almost late.

In the middle of class, I was thinking of who I could have bumped in to. Of course, I was looking down so I couldn't really tell. It couldn't have been anyone in the class cause they were all here when I arrived.

Then I heard someone calling my name.
"Midoriya!! I called your name like 3 times."
Mr.Aizawa said.
"Sorry I kinda zone out for a sec."
"Midoriya can you answer what the area of a triangle is when the base is 12 and the height is 3.15. What the area?"
"Well Is the base is 12 and the height is 3.15 would be multiple making 37.8 and divide 2 making the answer 18.9 as the area of the triangle."
I sort of mutter as I said this and mostly everyone looks shocked.
"Thats right Midoriya but next time pay more attention."
I took a breather and saw that I had 41 minutes left of class. Oh boy, since when did time become slow.

Shinso's POV

I was in my room then I check the time and it was almost 4 am.
'No sleep again. what I'm a going for: a no sleep record!'
I thought then I accidentally click on the new.
"Today broadcast is the new hero student has gone missing. No one has seen him since but people say that the boy's usual eye color has changed and some say it red or black-green."
'When did this happen?'
I usually don't watch the news but a new hero has gone missing.

"Some people are saying that boy has a ground quirk or a strength quirk.
We'll check on more when we find or about the missing hero."

"Do they have information on the missing hero?!?"
Then I heard banging on the right wall.
"ugh, I'm sorry."
I said not really caring.
"Hey shinso, why don't you ever sleep?!"
Before I could respond I heard from above:
It sounds like a girl but I just rolled my eyes as it got quiet. No one talking except for my tv. I turned it off and went on my phone.

2 hours have past and I got into my uniform and look in the mirror in my room.
'More dark circles under my eyes and my hair is down and a mess. I walk out of my room then went to the bathroom to fix my hair. Once I was done I walk out and went to school but someone came up to me.
"Shinso if you gonna stay up... Do it quietly you had me wake for 2 hours. We have a test. Why did my room have to be on top of you? Why?"
She signed as she walks away. I just avoided her and I walk to the school. I wasn't paying attention and I bump into someone.

It was izuku midoryia from class 1-A. He fell well I was still standing. I felt my self blush for some reason. I ran away before he could see it was me.
I ran behind a corner and I notice that I was breathing heavily.
'That was close. What why am I thinking this!!! I don't like midoryia!! Sure he's cute, nice, and cares about people and works hard to be a hero.'
I realized what I was thinking and I blabbed out:
"What am I thinking!?!?"
I covered my mouth with my hands as fast as I could and I ran to my class. Then when I almost got to my seat I bump into the girl from early.
I said trying to sound mad but I made it sound like I was apologizing.
"Shinso you never apologize. What up?"
"You don't need to know um-"
I don't remember the names of my classmates.
"Himizu Chatto."
I said.
"My name it Himizu Chatto. But you can call me Chatto or Chat."
"It's none of your business Chatto!"
I yelled.
"Ok 1 we have a test and to you came in here blushing like you saw your crush."
She said as she turned around and took books out of her bag.
I blushed more and look down and I accidentally made a whimper.
She turned around and then spoke.
"No way you actually have a crush on someone. How is it, is he or she in this class or another class??"
I feel a bit uncomfortable but before I could say anything the bell rang.
'Saved by the bell.'
I thought then Chatto said :
"Look after class I'm gonna help you with your crush whether you like it or not."
She grabs my tie and sounded like a yandere.
"Ok geez don't do that."
"I make no promises."
Then Chatto to her seat.
"Shinso why are you not in your seat do you wanna be marked late?"
My teacher asked.
I took my seat without saying anything
"Ok, the class we have a test on what we learned in the past 3 weeks. After you're done with your test you came work on your homework or you can do it when you back in the dorms."
The teacher past out the test and the class started the test.
' ok so x y is 5 and 10 and the other x y is 5 3 that makes umm darn I should know this umm 20?'

After I finish the test I saw that I drew something. I erased it then ask to go to the bathroom. I ran to see on my phone if the news of the missing hero student.
"The hero student is still missing but we got more information that this is a clone and the boy is now safe at home."

I heard the lunch bell rang snd I went to go get my stuff. I want it to talk to midoriya at lunch. Once I got there I went to class 1 A table
"Hey uh, what's going on??"
Mostly everyone in the class a formed a protection circle using them' self to protect midoriya but from what, me?
"Guys you don't have to..."
Midoryia was interpreted by ojiro.
"But he can mind control you."
"I won't to that I... Just....wanna him."
I said blushing.

Hey sorry I have been gone I kinda lost my motivation so I'm gonna but this in a part 2 I hope this is fine.

So school is starting and I have school this week and last week but I think I can find time to write due to the fact it's online so yeah I'll work and thing. Chatto is a character I made up so see you guys soon

Plus ultra!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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