It's Terrible

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    Hey, quick disclaimer. I have a second account. It's @aarmaurules08 if your wondering. I sometimes make stories similar on both profiles. Also, I might write a second story similar to this. By that I mean literally just also about teen pregnancy. I don't know why I'm writing about teen pregnancy now but I am. Alright. Please enjoy!

     I walked into the elementary school with my currently four-year-old daughter. I was seventeen. It was the first day of school for her in pre-k. I walked her to her classroom and I got on my knees to hug her at her classroom. 

     "Bye," I smiled.

     "Bye, Mommy," She smiled. She walked inside and the teacher approached me.

     "Hey, are you Sophia's older sister?" She asked. I bit my lip.

     "N-No, I'm her m-mom," I said quietly.

     "Oh," She looked me up and down. "I'm Mrs. Miller." She shook my hand. I nodded.

     "Ms. Smith," I said. She nodded and I had to go to my school. I went to my high school and went inside. None of them knew about my daughter. I intended to keep it that way. I sighed and went to class.

     I walked towards Sophie's school. I opened the door and walked to the classroom and went inside. I heard some of the parents whisper as Sophia ran up to me and hugged me.

     "Did you have a good day?" I asked.

     "Yeah, Mommy!" She smiled happily. I sighed as I held her hand and we walked out. We went to one of my friend's house to stay the night. I got abandoned four years ago and I still haven't gotten back on my feet. I was going to graduate my high school soon. I guess I'd try to get a job once I graduated. I lied in the sleeping bag that night and sighed. What am I doing with my life?

     I walked towards the building to pick up Sophia again when a guy approached me from behind.

     "Hey!" He said. I turned nervously.

     "Hey, yes, I'm a teen mom," I said. He raised an eyebrow.

     "I'm sorry. I just wanted to say you are gorgeous," He said. I blushed. No one ever hit on me or flirted with me.

     "Thanks." I said awkwardly. "Sorry I'm just used to getting judged when people approach me." I was kinda rude. Yikes. 

     "It's fine. I understand. What grade is she in?" He asked. He didn't sound judgmental at all.

     "She's in pre-k," I said.

     "I have a younger brother who's in first grade." He said. "I'm Miro by the way."

     "I'm Skyler," I said. He's pretty cute.

     "C-Can I have your number?" He asked. I smiled.

     "Sure," I said. He handed me his phone and I entered it in. I smiled and walked to pick up Sophia. I smiled and hugged her.

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