Chapter 5

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She's Not Nearly as Good as You

Lily's POV

I don't know why he was so eager to study with me. I mean, he had decent grades. They weren't A's but he'd never gotten a D in his life- at least that's what I've heard. I rolled my eyes as he followed me into my house. He was practically skipping by the time we reached my house. He had a huge grin on his face, he looked like a kid in a candy shop. "Lilian! My gorgeous honey, there you are!" My helicopter of a mom greeted me and I hugged her. "Hello mama." I greeted gingerly, overly aware of the boy who stood behind me. "And who is this?" She asked as she pulled out of the embrace. 

"I'm Romeo Florence, nice to meet you." He kissed her hand and winked. I watched my mom's cheeks get pink and I supressed the urge to gag. "Well you two have fun!" My mom said as we walked up the stairs to my bedroom. As soon as we entered it I glared at the stunning boy before me, looking around the room with a bit too much interest than I'm comfortable with. "Who is this?" He asked, gesturing to a picture of me and Melissa. "Oh, Melissa is a family friend. She's kind of a slut, if you must know. Surely one you'd be interested in, Rome." I slipped out the nickname I had used in my head. I inwardly cursed as he just stared at me. He shook it off and just stared at the picture of me and Melissa. "Eh, she's not nearly as good as you." He said effortlessly, like it was nothing. 

"Are you serious?" I asked incredulously. He shrugged. "I mean, Lily, no one seems to satisfy me after you." He admitted with a serious face. "I'm sorry then." My cheeks blazed. He just smiled softly, barely noticeable. Then I sat on my bed. "Come on, we came here to study, not ogle Melissa." I smiled slightly and he grinned back at me, sitting with me on my bed. "I did not come here to ogle Melissa, Lily. I came here to ogle you in all of your glory." He said in all seriousness. How was he so serious? "Hey, loosen up, dude." I decided I might as well enjoy this time with Romeo before he gets bored with blackmailing me. 

He laughed and I saw his hair bounce up and down with his head. I wonder what kind of conditioner he used? "I know my hair is great, but come on, dearest." He teased. I looked into his eyes, his chocolate eyes that held so many mysteries and desires. "It's not my fault you use probably expensive conditioner and are paying the price for it." I defended myself, sticking my tongue out at him. He chuckled lowly and just stared at me. "You are absolutely mind boggling, Miss Harrington." He smirked and just continued staring at me. 

"Hey, we have a calculus test in like a week we should get on it." I said nervously, forcing his eye contact away from me. He looked at the calculus textbook and gagged at it. "First of all, when in my life will I ever need calculus. I mean, if I'm going to be a male stripper-" 

I laughed and cut his sentence off. "Yeah right. Some big shot like you would never sink that low." I told him. His face showed amusement but he didn't seem to act on it. "Really, I think girls would dig this, wouldn't you?" He pulled up his shirt, exposing his abs. I got a few flashbacks of the night before but chose to push them to the back of my mind. "I never said girls wouldn't totally be into it," I said. "I just said I don't think your average grades would let you sink that low." I said truthfully, eyeing his reaction. It may have been a trick of the light, but I saw his cheeks go pink. "Miss Harrington, you really do leave me at a loss for words." He ran his hand through his hair and smiled in astonishment and just stared at me with those dark eyes. Were they always that dark or was it just me? 

Then my phone started ringing, playing the song She Loves You by The Beatles. I grinned sheepishly at him and told him silently to wait a minute. "Hey love." I answered to Ethan. I've been ignoring him for the past day since I saw him with that girl. "I was just wondering who that girl I saw at the party you said you weren't going to was." I said with a tone that said I knew something. Like when your mom accused you of something and she used that nonchalant 'you're so in trouble' tone. "I-I um don't know what you're talking about." Came the voice I would never admit I'd missed so much. "Oh really because I saw you with her at the party you told me you weren't going to." I basically repeated the same thing I'd already said. "Lilian, I don't know what you're talking about." Nobody would notice the slight waver in his voice. But I sure as hell did. "Just tell me her name. I deserve that much." I said, massaging my temple, trying not to cry in front of Romeo. 

"Diana Gales." He confessed, sighing. "But Lilian, my flower, I swear it was all a misunderstanding, I'll make it up to you, I still love you, Lil-" 

"Don't ever fucking talk to me again." I only really cussed in my head, but he put me on the verge of insanity. "I never want to see your stupid face anywhere, do you hear me?" The line was silent. "Good." I muttered and hung up. I put my phone back on the charger. My chin-length shaggy brown hair fell in front of my face as I tried to hide the tears from the boy on my bed, watching me in awe. "Lily, babygirl, it's okay. It's okay, sweetie." He pulled me into a tight embrace, rubbing my back soothingly as I cried into his probably expensive ass t-shirt. "Boys are overrated." He muttered into my ear. I laughed slightly into his shirt. "You can always just find another one. Like I saw this one guy, his name is Romeo and he's like-" I smacked his shoulder and laughed. He smiled a bit. "You have your dignity, babygirl. Don't go crying over a cheater." He winked at me. I smiled brightly at him and my cheeks went a deep pink. 

He looked at the clock in my room and he looked at it and I saw him gulp hard, with wide eyes. "I'm sorry babygirl, I have to go, you'll get over the jackass." He said reassuredly and kissed my forehead before running out of my room. "Good day Mrs Harrington!" I heard him call. "Well, he's a nice boy. He'd make cute babies, Lilian." My mom said to me as I walked down the stairs to watch him go. "Whatever, mom." 

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