Chapter 6

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She Isn't Mine

Lily's POV

I would never admit how much I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Romeo last night. I wonder why he left so suddenly last night. Maybe he thinks I'm a weirdo for crying in front of him. 

Yeah that was it. 

I was walking through the halls of school when I opened my locker and found a boquet of roses. I scowled and let them drop to the floor, thinking they were from Ethan. I heard a hiss of disappointment from beside me and turned to find Romeo picking up Ethan's boquet. "Aw, babygirl, I thought you would like them." He said dejectedly. "Oh, you gave them to me?" I asked, in awe of the boy in front of me. "Well, yeah. I thought you would need a pick-me-up after yesterday." I just stared at him. He sighed as he stared at the boquet, his brows furrowing. "Well I'm sorry you don't like it, I didn't know what your favorite flower was, and I was embarrassed about calling you or your friend about it when all girls-" I cut him off by hugging him. He stood there for a second before hugging me back. 

"Thank you, I really do appreciate you taking time out of your day to do this." I gushed, not recognizing my own tone. "And I'm not like all girls." I said firmly, a completely different change from what I had just said a few seconds earlier. 

"Well, I'm glad you like it, babygirl." He said, obviously trying to fight the smile off of his face. I smiled at him, letting my embarrassing dimples show and he kind of just stared at me, and it must have been some weird lighting or something because I swear I saw his cheeks go pink. "Hey Rome, class starts in a few minutes, and you know you should go to your locker." I told him, breaking him out of his trance. He sighed defeatedly and nodded. "I guess." He walked off. 


Romeo's POV

"Finally, you're on time, Florence." Grey said from in front of me. I scowled at him and went to take my seat at the meeting. "You're lucky, I had to miss time with my girl." I grumbled, thoroughly put out. I wanted to spend time with her today, and I had no choice but to go to this stupid meeting if I wanted a future for myself. "Well, it'll pay off in the long run." He said. 

"Whatever. People are going to vote for Minny Ryder, anyways." Minny was a slut, to put it short. Slept with everyone and everything but the gang couldn't care less about an actually good gang leader. Grey laughed. "That's true. But hey, you got a chance. You're the only decent leader in the race." He growled. He didn't quite like anybody else in the gang, which made me wonder why he joined it. "And, Florence, you're going to have to tell me who this girl is, if she makes you skip a meeting and also makes you buy roses just to cheer her up." I sighed. Lily was one of a kind, truly. But I'm not sure if I trusted her with Grey. "Hey it's fine. She's yours. I already have my sights set on that one." He gave a not-so-sneaky glance at Aibileen Clark. Her parents were friends with mine, if you couldn't already tell by the book name reference. 

That's right, me  and her were named after book characters. Me, Romeo Montague from Romeo and Juliet, and her, Aibileen Clark from The Help. Don't ask me what Grey saw in her. She took after her parents, a book nerd who just knew things. She was really smart and fun to talk to but when you've seen someone wet their bed on more than one occasion, they stop being attractive. A little teen rebellion is what got her into the gang. I wished she had some way out of it, she was too innocent for this world, but sadly the only way to get out was to die. 

"I know you do, bud." I gagged. "Funny you should talk when you're obviously whipped for some random school girl." Grey teased. I smacked his chest and he just laughed. I could hit three times as hard, then we'd see who'd be laughing. "I'm not whipped. Just intrigued. She's something different." It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth. I couldn't lie to Grey. 

"Mhmm. But on a serious note, Macbeth-" Grey liked to call me by my middle name, which I hated with a passion. "I'll drive you to school tomorrow so you can show me this precious Lily of yours, hmm?" I sighed defeatedly. "Fine. But you better not blow it for me." I growled out a warning to him. "Oh, you tell me you're not totally whipped for her and then you're worried about how she thinks of you? Well first, Macbeth, let's get this straight. You blackmail her into hanging out with you but then are also worried about how she looks in your eyes? Get this under control, kid." Grey sighed. I may be 18, but Grey was 21. Even though he acted like he was 4. 

"Well I have my reasons." Was my only retort. The meeting started then, saving me from whatever lecture Grey was going to give me. 


I sat in my third period the next day, absentmindedly staring at certain in girl in front of me. There was two girls next to me and one behind me but I only really cared about the girl in front of me. Lilian Harrington, I thought, was such a pretty name. Lilian Paris Harrington. It would be prettier if it was Lilian Paris Flor- "ROMEO!" Came the boom from the front of the class. I jerked my head up and made eye contact with Mrs Klovedal. "Yes ma'am?" I replied in a sickeningly sweet mocking tone. "Why don't you stop making goo-goo eyes at Miss Harrington and pay attention to the binomial theorem?" She accused, glaring at me. I felt heat rush to my face when Lily turned around to look at me. She just rolled her eyes and turned back around, causing an unwanted frown to make it's way onto my lips. "MISTER FLORENCE!" She bellowed, still standing right next to me and glaring at me even more than she already was. 

"Pay attention! Dear god!" On her way back to her desk I heard her mutter something about teenage hormones. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. My staring wasn't that obvious.

Was it? 

I was walking through the hallway after that period with Mrs Klovedal and immeditely about 5 girls all walked up to me with obviously fake eyelashes and noticeable boob jobs. "Is it true?" They all asked simoutaneously, which made me flash back to The Shining. Come play with us Danny... FOREVER. That thought sent a shiver up his spine. "Is what true?" I asked the girls in my cold voice and quickly masked my face, so it was void of emotion. "You're dating that girl." They said altogether, pointing to my Lily- she's not mine. But anyways, they were pointing at her and I saw her getting harrassed by bimbos like the ones in front of me. "No. Thanks for the concern." I smiled sweetly at them and I swear one of them fainted as I ran off to back up my precious Lily. 

She isn't mine!

Damn it. 

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