I miss you....-Ozzy x Romera

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Requested by:Me (This is an Example)

Nuzlocke: Super carlin gaming Pearl nuzlocke (Including some from the previous nuzlockes)

AU: Humanized (J doesn't exist in this AU)

Romera's P.O.V

This is Before Disaster struck....
Me and the rest of the team were walking around the base of a mountain during a heavy Blizzard, Ozzy, Our leader and my...Long time Crush...Heh heh... Was leading us, When we encountered Finklestin, A Criminal, I was sent to defeat him, But I got too injured...Then Ozzy went in...That's when...The worst happened...

Ozzy had just...Died...We had defeated Flinklestin, But he...He killed Ozzy, We rejected his request to join the team... But my best friend had just died... "Romera..I'm sorry..." Soloman told me...Hamilton next to him, Mourning Ozzy the same I was...But...Starfire requested adding her girlfrind Aniki! "Why not we add Aniki? She's a water type! We need a surf re"- I cut her off "NOBODY CAN REPLACE OZZY! NOBODY CAN!" I cried... Starfire was hurt "She's the only water type at base though" She was right... "Okay, But I refuse to think she is Ozzy's Replacement" I sighed, "Why?" Hamilton asked, He should be the new leader, "Because...I loved her...More then a best friend..."

The next day (At midnight)

I was in a starry field, it was midnight, Ozzy was standing infront of me, I saw Violetta too, "Ozzy...Violetta..." I was shocked, "I-I thought you two were dead!" I ran to Ozzy and hugged her "We are dead, But we are here, With those who came before us" Violetta explained "Before us?" I asked, Then I saw a girl with a leaf on her head "I'm Bananas, I was in the same team as you, But I died and the team I was in disbanded, Excluding one member, Who formed your team!" Bananas Introduced herself, then a Boy with missiles on his back came to us "Donatello, I was in the first generation of the team, I was then killed by an evil pokémon drilling a horn into my heart..." Donatello introduced himself too, Ozzy then pulled out of the hug "We know who is destined to die next...Please don't tell Hamilton or Soloman about this...Or anyone for that matter, Soloman is meant to die next...Anyways, Romera, It's almost time for you to go" I was shocked about what she said "Ozzy, Before I have to leave...I just wanted to say... I LOVE YOU!" Ozzy was...Startled and her face was red, "Romera, I love you too, I know your destiny is to survive until the end, I'll miss you"

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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