Chapter Fourteen ~Movie~

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~Narrator POV~

"Toby...uh- what...happened?" Masky questioned, concerned and confused. Tobias looked at him, on the verge of tears.

"D-do you...o-only like me f-f-for my body?" Toby asked innocently.

God, this is sad.

Tim shook his head "No! What would make you think that?" He asked "I- well, I love everything about you..." Masky admitted with an awkward smile.
"How...h-how do I know y-you aren't lying?" Tobias asked.
Tim just shook his head and pulled Toby into a hug "Toby, it's a leap of faith..." he said.

~Time Skip~

The two had sat beside one another, every once in a while, Tim would whisper sweet nothings in Tobias's ear, making him blush and smile.

They most definitely love each other.

Eventually, they got bored and decided they would watch a few movies, as almost every other creepypasta was in their room or wouldn't waste time bothering them.
Tim picked Toby up, carrying him bridal style out to the living room and plopping the younger proxy on the couch. Tim smiled, looking at him "I'll get snacks, can you get blankets and choose a movie?" he asked, earning a nod from Tobias before leaving the living room and going into the kitchen.

~Masky's POV~

I got to the kitchen, soon popping a bag of popcorn into the microwave, grabbing two cans of root beer, and pouring some trail mix in a bowl.

A moment later, the popcorn was done, so I grabbed it and all the other snacks and went back into the living room to see Toby bundled up in at least four big blankets.

He's so damn cute.

I placed the snacks and drinks on the coffee table and sat beside Toby, who already set up the movie- Number 23.

(Totally not just my favorite movie of all time)

"Root beer?" Toby asked. He seemed disappointed.
"You're not of the drinking age yet." I explained
"I...I l-literally kill p-people though, why can't I f-fucking drink?" He asked again
"You're too young, " I said "No drinking till you're twenty-one."

Toby scoffed "Boringggg" I sighed and shook my head, sitting down next to him and draping an arm over his shoulder as the movie played and we ate our snacks.

Sorry that it's aNoThEr short-ass chapter, but, as usual, I don't know what to write. Thanks for reading, love you, byeeeee❤❤❤❤

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