Steve Rodgers: Her

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I sat strapped into the seat of Rocket's ship, uncomfortable beyond belief. As one of the original seven Avengers, there was barely anything I was unprepared for. However, there was always a first time for everything—especially for going into space.

As we catapulted further and further into the sky, my grip on the chair became tighter. But when you were a part of a group that included people like the Black Widow, such actions hardly went unnoticed.

"Oh my god, I think I've finally figured out your weakness." Nat laughed, tossing her short blonde bob over her shoulder. "Scared much, Hyman?"

"Not as scared as you, Romanoff." I raised a completely still hand to gesture to her own predicament, raising an eyebrow at her white knuckles. Although she was slightly surprised at my observation, it soon faded. Like many others, Nat often forgot that I was a spy, too.

"Listen, we haven't even broken the atmosphere yet." Danvers cut in from ahead, making me roll my eyes slightly. Nat had to hold back her chuckles from behind me. "If you're nervous now—"

As much as I appreciated the woman of many marvels, she was quite self-absorbed. We were capable of handling space just as well as she was. "It'll get worse." I responded.

"It always does." Steve added from my left, making me look at him. I offered a small smile, which he returned before looking up to the captain.

"Okay, just so we're clear." Rocket said, turning back to our crew. Steve, Nat, Thor, and Rhodey stared back alongside myself, while Carol, Bruce, and Nebula sat ahead. "Who here hasn't been to space?"

With some hesitation, I raised my hand, followed by Steve, Nat, and Rhodey. I did my best to ignore Carol's chuckles; I hated when I felt inexperienced. Rocket only sighed from ahead, which made me sigh as well when he turned back around. I still couldn't believe that I was taking orders from a racoon.

"You better not puke on my ship."

"Noted." Rhodey mumbled, making me shake my head playfully.

"Approaching jump in..." Nebula began, making the four of us regular beings drop our hands back to our chairs. "Three, two, one—"


The spaceship drifted peacefully through the galaxies, passing planet after planet as we continued on our mission. Now that we had taken off, the other members of the team had roamed about the cabins, scavenging the place for food or even a spare bed to rest on. We had been working tirelessly to find Thanos, and the battle that lay ahead for the stones would be far from pretty.

But Steve and I were never really ones to rest. We sat at the lower levels of the ship, taking in the beauty surrounding us through the glass in front of us. While the sight of space was familiar to the others, it was still extraordinary to us.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" I said, bringing my finger down from the window. Smiling, I turned to Steve, but only to find he was staring at something else in his hand. He looked up briefly, then closed the compass and pocketed it. Nudging his arm, I placed a hand on his knee. "So is she."

"Yeah." Steve nodded, leaning into me slightly. Then, he tore his gaze from me, taking in the purples and blues in the cosmos. "She is."

I left the moment its rightful silence as we sat, shoulder-to-shoulder with our feet out in front of us. But afterwards, I remembered when the two of us were in a similar situation. "This reminds me of the plane."

"Dot, this is nothing like the plane."

"Really? It certainly feels like we're plummeting to our deaths. I mean, there's no ice in sight, but it's still ice-cold out there."

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