Confession (Taerin)

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Yerin POV

"Tae stop~" I pouted as he kept slightly pushing me. I stopped walking and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to look mad. "Oh come on, you know you can't be mad at me baby." Taehyungs lips changed from a smile to a smirk real quick. "Wanna bet?" I rolled my eyes and walked passed Taehyung.

As I was walking I felt a tug on my arm, then I was lifted over someone's shoulder. "Yah!! Kim Taehyung, put me down!!" I only heard him giggle as he carried me off somewhere.

A few minutes of carrying me he finally put me down. Once my feet finally the ground I immediately hit Taehyung on the arm. "I hate you." I turned my back towards him and started to walk away. I stopped once I realized where I was.

The beach, with a nice dinner in front of us.

Did he do this all for me?

Did he do this all for me?

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"Taehyung...." I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head on my shoulder. "Let's have dinner Yerin." His hands slowly moved down my arms until our hands were locked. I looked up and our eyes met. I have him a sweet smile as I pulled away, walking to the table and to a seat. Tae took the seat across from mine as he took the metal covers off the plates. "Shall we?"

Dinner was amazing!! The food was good, the scenery is amazing, the sound of the waves were really calming, and...Taehyung was a little more..flirty and more gentle then usual but we still joked around and had normal conversation. "Would you like to go for a walk on the beach?" I hummed as I nodded my head.

Taehyung got up from his chair to stand I front of mine. He held out his hand as he gave me a gentle smile. I smiled back at him as I placed my hands in his, getting up from my chair.

Hand and hand we walked on the beach feeling the waves crash into our feet. "Ah~" Taehyung let go of my hand and plopped is butt on the sand. "Sit with me baby." I bulshed at the nickname. "But-" I got cut off then Taehyung suddenly pulled me onto him. We both fell back with me straddling taehyung. I tried to get up but taehyung pulled me back down. Our face were inches apart. I couldn't help but to get lost in his dark brown eyes as they stared at me. We both leaned in, making our lips meet. This was our first kiss and god did I not want it to end. His soft lips were so gentle, so passionate, so addicting.

I never wanted to this to end, but all good thing must come to an end. We pulled away at the same time, panting as we stared each other down.  "Yerin I-"

"Taehyung this question is longing to me asked and I really need to say this." I took in a breath before I continued. "I love you, I really do! You are the one that has my heart, so will you please be my boyfriend?"

Oh why did I ask that?!! He probably doesn't even-

My thoughts was cut off when taehyung suddenly bursted our laughing. "What's funny?"instead of getting an answer he only laughed harder.

Seriously, what's funny?

"Yah, Kim Taehyumg!!" I shouted as I pouted and got off of him. "I'm sorry but is that even a question?" He asked in between laughter. "What do you mean?"

"Of course I will be your boyfriend!!" he serious?

"Really?" I questioned him. "Yes." He stopped laughing and met my eyes. Our lips then met once again. I can't believe this is happening.

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