Chapter 1: Pretty Girls & Plans

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(Kelsi's Friends Pov)
It was a night we'll never forget! we had just talked to her what seemed like 15 minutes ago! and now all we know is that kelsi Brighton is "DEAD".

It was the first day back to FallBrook High and we seemed to be more popular than ever. As we walk to our lockers which so happen to be strategically built right next to each other, we bump into our high school enemy well kelsi's enemy Miranda Scott....well she's a bitch to us so she's on our bad side as well, anyways she says some snarky remark like ooh well isn't it the brady bunch and their leader the fugliest munchkin in the land! and kelsi says at least i'm not a slut, Bee Tee Dubs she so is but more on that later, "Mirscanda" transitions her i won look to her mad look and says i'm so...then kelsi says girls take notes if you ignore it it'll eventually go away! we all laugh and enter Mr.Rutter's class which "Mirscanda" slept with during last semester and the p.e./football coach, and half the football team except for Drew Trainer which is Kel's bf and he's off limits and she respected that idk why she's a mega S.L.U.T, Anyways he asks what was our summer like and the whole classroom filled with hands plus we raised our hands and he called on kelsi but naturally we all answered and said, Smash-Tas-Tic! and we all giggled. Victoria being the kind hearted girl she is asked "what did you do"? and "who did you do"? asked her twin sisters Marialisia and Anastasia.The whole class roaring with laughter made Mr.Rutter Laugh to and made "Mirscanda" sink in her seat while we all gave her the "we gotcha bitch" stare. After a good hour in that class the day went on and we split up to go to our other classes, yes we were seperated but at lunch we'd always sit at the middle table in the courtyard where everyone was always looking and wondering who's next on our dish list. For one second it felt like everyone had been staring for hours, but for everyone it was a second in their life that they needed to escape, but in that second someone else found a way to take one away from seven "forever". After that we have our last class and as kelsi would say "start together end together", so when we get to the gym we sit in the bleachers because they're showing a health video and we all get mass texts saying party 2013 dead groove we looked at each other and scream "SHOPPING".

As we get our way into our fave store and i mean absolute fave store the "Betsy Johnson" store we go cray cray from shoes to bags to dresses and jewelry, Let's just say we were ready. We then go to the photo booth to take cute, sexy, funny and crazy pics it was so fun then we separated for the day until the party.

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