01. fire a-blaise ✓

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listen to: everytime - broods

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Three weeks later...

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Fresh mint and rosemary hit my nose as I felt my chest begin to rise and fall again. Fear coursed through my veins, for all I could see was darkness. Up. Down. Breathe in. Out.

My back hurt, as if I had been asleep for too long. Where am I supposed to be? My eyes didn't want to open, not yet, not until the fear was gone.

It was the first time in a long time that I felt truly afraid. I couldn't open my eyes, my back hurt for no apparent reason, and the cool air was sending chills through my body. In. Out. In. The darkness was usually comforting but I did not feel welcomed by these shadows.

Focus. What's my name?

I don't have a name.

What's my new name?


As soon as the word escaped my lips I sat straight up, eyes snapping open. I repeated it in my head as if it were a calming mantra. Blaise. Not a word, a name. My name.

Putting a hand on my forehead, I looked up. The sky was so dark it would look like a black pit of nothing, if not for the stars that twinkled throughout. As I surveyed the rest of the area with my incredible sight, I realized I had to be in the woods. But where? 

I ran a hand over the surface I sat upon. It was rough, and little splinters of wood collected in my palm. Looking around again, I saw that I rested upon a huge tree trunk.

The Nemeton.

I had heard stories about its power before, but I never believed them. Hell, I never believed anything anymore until I saw it with my own eyes.

And this was real.

How did it draw me here? Why?

I sighed heavily, hating my short-term memory loss.

Well, I couldn't stay here all night. I loved the darkness but absolutely hated the cold.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the stump, I started towards the road.

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It took at least an hour to finally reach the street. Maybe I was lacking a good sense of direction because I had been asleep for so long. Or maybe I just sucked at finding my way through unknown forests.

As I neared the dim streetlights, I realized that I was stark naked. "Seriously?" I groaned. "I couldn't remember to put some damn clothes on?" Whatever. Someone would have to pick me up, right?

I at least tried to cover my breasts with my long, dark hair as a pair of headlights approached. I debated on leaving them exposed, but no one would ever pick me up if I didn't show some kind of modesty. It was so sad that people didn't like being naked in public anymore. I remembered in the Dark Ages I would walk around the entire town square without any robes on and it was completely normal. No one gave a damn about my nakedness because they either liked the view or they were dying of the Plague.

Ah, the Dark Ages. The good old days.

I turned my attention back to the approaching car, which was a Mazda, and a nice one too. Two girls sat in the front seat. They definitely wouldn't take me in like this.

Maybe I would just wait until some... males drove by.

I shivered and hid behind some tall grass weeds near the street, waiting for a ride.

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