00. prologue ✓

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listen to: bad girls - m.i.a

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Love can revive you.

Love can destroy you.

And it destroyed me.

I was the Phoenix, the supernatural creature responsible for finding people to protect who couldn't protect themselves. I loved my job, without a doubt.

Well, until Athens.

My name was Elisa at the time. The title suited me perfectly; I was a warrior whom people gravitated towards because of my peculiar aura. Men and women alike were fascinated with me, though I warned them not to get too close. I was like fire: my beauty drew people in just to destroy them in the end.

The ruining began just a couple months after I had arrived in Athens.

I was called upon by the leader of a warrior clan, Castor, who needed to defend the ancient city from the supernatural. I could never forget his name no matter how hard I tried. He was the one I fell in love with the first time I laid eyes on him; his deep, dark chocolate eyes, his sparkling blond locks, a body that was stronger than steel...

Anyway, back to the story.

It was nearing our time for a final attack against the Wendigos when I found him in his chamber.

"Castor?" I murmured. He was in bed, stark naked, with three other women curled up beside him. They were beautiful and innocent looking, but I did not pity them.

"Elisa," Castor said, sitting up. Once he saw my face, his eyes widened. "It's not what you think -"

"Well then what the hell is this?" I yelled at him. My body temperature was rising and I felt my pulse quickening. "I thought we had something, Castor. Don't you remember what our love was like?"

His lip twitched. "It was one night, Elisa. Just one night."

"I loved you!" I screamed. Then, looking at the girls, I said dangerously low, "Get out."

They all rolled out of the bed, covering their bodies with blankets as they scurried out of the chamber. Only Castor and I were left now.

"I came here to protect your clan, and instead I fell in love," I said, walking slowly towards the warrior. "I thought you loved me, too."

"I do," Castor said, but his heartbeat was too fast for him to be telling the truth.

"You lie," I told him. "You used my own feelings against me, Castor. Do you remember how old I am?" I was beside his bed now, stroking his soft skin with my fingertips. I let him see my glowing, purple eyes, and it frightened him even more.

"I do not recall."

"I am 714 years. And that age also comes with experience and power," I explained. "Pollí dynami. A lot of power." I stared hard into his beautiful, fear-filled eyes. "Do you remember my power? You must remember something."

"Flames," he said, trembling now.

I smiled, pleased with his memory. "You will burn in this chamber, Castor, just like you will in hell with Hades."

"Elisa, if you burn this chamber down, you will burn down the temple of Zeus with it. It is a sin for fire to touch this place," he stammered. "Do you not remember Prometheus' punishment?"

"I do not care anymore. You and this temple will be burned."

"Please forgive me, Elisa." He squeezed his eyes hard when I placed a hand on his cheek.

"You shall call me the Phoenix from now on, Castor. And by now you should know that I do not spare any forgiveness for vile humans like you." My heartbeat raced as I channeled my power, and my wings unfolded from my back.

"You are an angel of death," Castor murmured.

I glanced back at my jet-black wings and smiled at the warrior. "Maybe I would have seen that as a compliment before, but not today. I am the Shadow Phoenix, young warrior, not an angel. Goodbye." Once I placed my hand on his cheek, his skin sizzled. Fire spread from my touch and across his skin wildly. I smiled in pleasure at the sound of his agonizing cries.

When he was finally dead, the whole chamber had caught on fire already. The flames didn't touch me, for I was immune to them. Instead, I stood back and admired my handiwork. I knew Athens would come after me for placing fire inside the temple of Zeus, but I didn't care. Vengence felt so good.

But I frowned when I saw the burned carcass of Castor. He was one of the only people I had truly loved throughout my long life, and he had used my emotions against me. 

Maybe the human race was not ready for my protection.

I couldn't love anyone ever again. I couldn't let anyone else come into my life like Castor had. No one would break my heart like he did. No one.

Then, I knew what I had to do.

I couldn't play by the rules anymore.

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you seriously don't even know how excited I am for this I have a great plot in mind for Blaise (or formerly Elisa)

AHHHH stay tuned for next update where she's introduced to Scott and Stiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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