Best Vacation Ever

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Author: AvaViolet


Due to last minute circumstances, best friends Laura and Fayanna get to go on a trip of a lifetime to Cuba, with Faye's older brother and his four charismatic friends. Having just graduated high school, Laura is ready to relax and read on the beach, while Faye's ready to party. Of course, neither is ready for what actually happens on this trip, especially since drama sticks to them more than their own shadows do.

Laura is a people pleaser. She always wants to make everyone happy even at her own expense, and doesn't like attention. So when she suddenly finds herself the object of attention of Faye's hot older brother Adam, and Dean, a jaw-droppingly handsome guy who most likely saved her life, she has no idea how to navigate the arising situations.

Faye is basically her opposite. She's confident, speaks her mind, never gets embarrassed, and loves being the centre of attention. She loves the idea of getting to party in Cuba, especially since Kellan is coming, the guy who's kinda sorta her 'friend with benefits,' and who also happens to be her brother's best friend, who still doesn't know about the two of them. But does she want to keep being Kellan's secret fling? Does she want more from him? Or does she want to forget him and sleep with every hot guy on the island? She really can't decide.

Told in alternating first person point of views, there will be cheating, lies, secrets, betrayals, hilarious and memorable characters, and everything you absolutely love reading in a teen fiction book.

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