Chapter One

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Ashley's POV:

I can't bare to see how broken Andy is, and all because Juliet cheated on him. That slut. Why would she do that to such a cute, funny, sweet guy? I hate to see him cry. Those beautiful blue eyes; look like they have no life left in them. I just want to comfort Andy. Kiss him on the cheek, have him in my arms and tell him that everything will be okay. That's right... I'm in love with my best friend.

"It's okay Andy, everything will be okay." I pull him into a hug while he cries on my shoulder. "Juliet made the biggest mistake but you'll be okay." I continue to gently stroke his longish black hair as he starts to calm down, thinking of how much I love the man in my arms.


Andy's POV:

"Juliet made the biggest mistake but you'll be okay." Ashley strokes my hair as I start to calm down. Being in his arms makes me feel warm and safe. Everyone thinks I'm depressed because Juliet cheated on me. But that's not the case. I don't care about that bitch, I don't need her. No, I'm depressed because I am in love with my bassist, Ashley Purdy. I know he will never love me. He is a ladies man. I want to kiss him and tell him I love him. Take him on walks in the park, watch movies together and cuddle. Stop it Andy! You can't love Ashley. He's not even gay! Before we know it, we're both drifting into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to Ashley talking in his sleep.
"Andy." ... Ashley says my name in his sleep, making me giggle. I pull him closer to me and rest my head on his chest.
"I love you Andy," Ashley cups my face and kisses me full on the lips. My eyes widen. He just kissed me! The thought of the kiss probably not meaning anything brought me down. Oh Ashley, the way you make me feel. If only you knew.


I wake up the next morning, my bed feeling oddly warm. I turn to see Ashley sleeping right next to me. I smile at how peaceful he looks. I place a small kiss on his forehead and get out of bed to head in the kitchen for breakfast.

Jinxx was sitting at the small table, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Good morning Andy", Jinxx says with a smile on his face.
"Hi, can I talk to you about something?" I ask nervously. It's time to tell someone about my secret crush on Ashley. I trust Jinxx so I decided to tell him.
"Sure, want some coffee?" I nod my head and Jinxx places a cup of coffee in front of me. I thanked him then started to speak. "So I think I like this person..." I start off.
"Really? Who is she?" She. He had to say she. "Actually... it's a he." I corrected him. His eyes widen and I continue to say what I wanted to tell him. "I think I love Ashley." There, I said it. Jinxx had a shocked expression on his face. "Well does he know?" I shook my head. "Well I think you should tell him how you feel. It seems like he likes you, it's kind of obvious." He chuckled. "Okay, I will." I thanked him then went to go wake up Ashley.


Ashley's POV:

I wake up and find myself on Andy's bed. But Andy isn't here. I sit there thinking about him, how beautiful he is, his sexy, deep voice.
Not long after, Andy walks in the room, smiling when he saw I was awake. "Good morning sleepy head," Andy chuckles as he ruffles my hair. "Morning sexy." I mentally facepalm. Fuck, did I just say that. Ugh, Ash you're an idiot! Andy just laughs. "Can I tell you something?" Andy asks nervously. "Sure, go ahead." I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. "Ashley, I'm gay..." My eyes widen. "...and I like you." My mouth makes the shape of an "O". He likes me?! Andy Freaking Biersack is gay, and likes ME?! "Can I try something?" I ask. He only nods. I take a deep breath and lean towards him. Andy licks his lips as I approach closer to him, my lips meeting his.


AN: Hello sexy unicorns! I'm Brittany the Panda. I'm sorry this chapter is short but it'll get better :) This is our first fanfic ever so bare with us. The way this will work is Me (Panda) & my friend (Adreana) will take turns writing a chapter. So I wrote the first chapter and she'll write the next one and so on. Well I hope you'll enjoy this Andley fanfic. And we'll try to update two chapters every Fridays and Saturdays. Love you<3
- Brittany the Panda *(@.@)*

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