Chapter 1: Different Pages.

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Alya usually came by Marinette's apartment every Saturday to spend some quality BFF time together, so Marinette was in quite a hurry to clean up the place before she arrived.

"Mari, do you know where I left my coat?!" Marinette rolled her eyes and snickered as her eyes landed on the piece of clothing. "It's on the couch doofus, what did I tell you about leaving your stuff on the couch? There's a coat rack for a reason." Marinette shouted back.

She turned around and playfully threw the coat at him as he walked out of the bedroom door. "Hey, what was that for?!" Marinette giggled "It was for not doing as I tell you."

After he put his coat on, he walked up infront of her. "Baby, I am always well behaved." He planted a soft kiss on her lips and she playfully pushed him away.

"Yeah right..." She waited two seconds before returning the gesture and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Then got straight back to cleaning.

He smiled, grabbed his car keys and headed for the door "See you soon Baby."

"Bye Luka."

About 30 mins later:

After one last look at her perfectly tidy apartment, there was a knock at the door. Marinette practically skipped to the door, she loved Saturdays because of their little tradition. "Hey Alya!"

"Hey GURL!" Alya engluffed her in a massive bear-hug. "C-can't bre-eathe..." Marinette lightly tapped her besties back so she'd get the message.

"Haha, oops." Alya laughed it off as Marinette caught her breath. "All good." Marinette laughed as she lead Alya in. "Oooh what's in the bag?" Marinette tried taking a peek into the bag, but with little success.

"Stuff for tonight, and maybe some McDonald's..." Alya winked and Marinette's jaw dropped. Marinette was like a small child when it came to McDonald's. She immediately became ten times more excited than she was before, which seemed impossible but hey, sometimes miracles happen.

In this case, Alya was the miracle.

After they finished their food:

Alya put her empty plate on the coffee table and turned to Marinette. Alya only did this when she wanted to gossip or because she wants to seem serious, so this made Marinette slightly anxious.

"So..." Alya dragged the word on for too long for her liking. 'Yeah, she means business.' Marinette took a sip of her strawberry milkshake.

"How's everything going with you and Luka? I'm curious." Alya made herself comfortable on the couch, ready to listen. "Woah, that's it?! I thought that you were going to be all serious." Marinette giggled as her bestfriend cupped her mouth in shock.

"Who do you think I am?! The police. I don't plan on interrogating you anytime soon...Wait what did you do...?" Alya raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Wait...WHA?! Nothing I just thought that you-" She paused as Alya burst out laughing. "You were just messing with me weren't you?"

"Just a little..." Alya caught her breath and repositioned herself on the couch. "Now, stop changing the subject...You and Luka, how are things going?"

Marinette and Luka had started dating a year and a half ago and it was a pretty slow relantionship. Everything was easy and...well it was just that. Marinette loved Luka and he loved her, it was everything she could've asked for...well almost. There was something missing but she couldn't figure out what.

"Well, we had a really nice night yesterday. We watched movies, ate pizza and other stuff. Everything's going pretty good honestly." Marinette spoke as she finished off the extra bit of 'sweet and sour' sauce left in the little tub. Alya gave her an unsure look.

"I was going to ask you about the 'other stuff' but you seem off." Alya collected all the rubbish in the leftover bag and brought it over to the kitchen. Marinette collected up the plates and the drinks and followed her to the kitchen.

"What do you mean by that?" Marinette asked as she started to wash the plates. "You just don't seem all that excited, is there anything you wanna talk about...wait, was the 'other stuff' not that great last night 'cause trust me, sometimes it can be a bit off, ya know?" Alya teasingly nudged Marinette in the side.

Marinette practically turned as red as the McDonald's french fry box. "ALYA! NO! To be honest, I don't even know what's up with me. He's perfect and I l-love him but-"

"He's too 'little'?" Alya winked. "ALYA!!! OH MY GOD, YOU'RE AWFUL!!"

With Adrien:

"Don't forget you have two meetings this afternoon..." Adrien was only half listening. "Yes Father..." Gabriel continued. "Then I need you to sign the partnership papers between us and the Bourgeouis Family on Monday to finalise our agreements..."

Adrien gave up the will to live two hours ago. "Yes Father." Low and behold Gabriel continued. "You also need to do a final check on the new employees that I hired two weeks ago, there's seven of them and I want to make sure they are giving it their all..." Adrien's eyes started closing and his head almost fell onto the desk, catching the attention of his father.

"Are you even listening to me Adrien?!" Gabriel slammed the desk to wake him up, Adrien only jumped slightly. "Yes Father."

"Then what did I just say?" Gabriel bellowed. Adrien rolled his eyes. "You asked me if I was listening..." Gabriel scoffed. "I didn't raise a smartass Adrien, what did I say before that?"

Adrien knew that his father knew he was always listening, he just finds joy in tormenting his son. 'Shouldn't you remember yourself...?'.

"You asked me to do a final check on the seven new employees you hired and to make sure they were giving it their all." Adrien smiled smugly at his father who seemed a bit pissed off, but when wasn't he? Or maybe it was just because Nathalie let out a small chuckle from behind Adrien.

"Yeah, okay. Last things are, I will have more paper work sent to your office on Wednesday that I want done by the end of the week and you have three photoshoots to do on Thursday. You are dismissed." Gabriel sat back down in his chair and took out some files.

"But Father, how am I supposed to get all the paper work done in two days. Three photoshoots will take up all of Thursday. Not to metion but, you give a heck of a lot of paperwork Father, there's no way I'll get it done in time." Adrien knew his father all too well. Anything to keep his son busy and away from anything in the outside world.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out, now go get ready for those meetings." Gabriel waved his hand in a dismissing manor. "Father...It's Saturday can't I have today off?" He already knew the answer but, no harm in trying.

"Are you serious Adrien?! Rest is for the weak, now go get ready for those meetings!" Gabriel was more stern this time so Adrien didn't bother wasting his time on him. He walked swiftly for the door and slammed it on his way out.

'Other 22 year olds are out partying or hanging out with friends on a Saturday...not preparing for unnecesscary meetings for their father's company. Tomorrow I am taking the day off whether he likes it or not!' Adrien sighed as he got to his room and started immediatly looking for suitable attire for the upcoming meetings.

'He managed to take away the only thing in my life that made me happy and yet he still manages to make everyday worse than the last.' Adrien paused in his search for clothes and collapsed on his bed.

'I wonder what life would be like if we were still togeth-NO! She's over you so it's time you get over her...the love of your lif-NO!' Adrien sat up on his bed and took his wallet out of his jean pocket.

He opened the expensive designer faux-leather case and searched behind his recipts and notes. "Ah, got it." He picked out a small piece of folded paper that was majorly dishevelled and started slowly unfolding it, like it was the most expensive piece of paper in the world.

'I wonder if she looks any different now...probably I mean this photo is six years old. She was still so beautiful though.'

Hey Guys!

Hope you liked the first chapter!! This story is going to hopefully be shorter than my first one too :)

Love ye. Nicole x

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