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°°The White Room°°

Y/n's p.o.v.

I woke up and I saw a white ceiling. Why is it white? This is not my room.

"What the heck?"

I sat up to look at my surroundings. All I can see is a seemingly endless white. I can't see a corner or a fucking door. Heck, I can't even tell how big the room was. Where am I?

"Ehem" I looked around me to find the owner of the voice but I can't see her.

'Her', cause it sounds so feminine.

"Who are you!?" why is this room so white?

Damn, is this what they call heaven? Or the interrogation room to decide whether you're going up or down?

"Ms. Ka-" "Fuck!" I yelled when a girl suddenly appeared out of thin air in front of me.

Like those beautiful vampires in anime and manga, the girl has a shiny silver hair and a fricking red eyes.

"What the hell? Are you trying to kill me?" I glared at the girl when-

"Well, for starters, you are already dead" what is up with this people scaring the hell out of me?

This time a short girl appeared beside me. She has short hair that falls above her shoulder with its front part dyed ash green.

'already dead?'

"I know you have a lot of questions Ms.  Kang but first let me introduce myself. I am Seri, the Goddess of-"

"Pfft, goddess my ass"

"Ehem, as I was saying, I'm the Goddess of Life and Death. This girl beside me is Chaeyoung, my familiar. I supposed that you know what a familiar is and-"

"Excuse me" I raised my hand like a student to cut off Seri.

"I don't care who you are, where you came from, or what is your favorite color. Just...Why am I here?"

"...you died" I'm dead?

I laid at my bed and closed my eyes. A couple of minutes have passed when I open my eyes and sighed deeply. I stared at Seri and Chaeyoung with a stoic expression on my face.

"You are quite calm for a person who have been told that they died" Chaeyoung blurted.

"Is that a good thing? I died that's that, I can't do anything with that. I kinda regret not giving my mom a heads up though. I'm sure that barbarian mother of mine is now crying her heart out. I just hoped...that I could stay by her side for much longer" I let out a dry laugh.

"I'm sorry for taking that chance from you Ms. Kan-"

"Y/n, call me Y/n" Seri looked at me.

"Y/n...it was my fault for being careless. Each creature, except for us who are divine beings, has a string that represent them. When a string is already fragile or tinted by the darkness, I have to cut those string. I accidentaly cut yours that led us to this moment. I can revive you again, but not in your former world" Seri explained.

Strings? Revive? What is this, a fantasy-themed anime where the protagonist died and was resurrected in a world of magic?

"That would be outrageous!" another girl appeared in front of me, I'm not even surprised anymore.

The new girl has a breath-taking beauty too. She has a beautiful ash pink hair and a big eyes that added even more to her charms.

"Jihyo, why are you here?" Seri looked shock to see this 'Jihyo' here.

"Doesn't matter. That is not a solution to a lost string. I'm not titled life and death so I really don't know" Jihyo, with her arms over her chest and a raised eyebrow said.

"I know, it's a makeshift string and won't hold out for too long but it will do for now. I will sent her to 'his' world" Jihyo paled when she heared 'his world' from Seri.

"You can't be serious!" Jihyo is even more louder than my mother.

"Y/n, listen. There is a way to go back to your former world. By sending you to that world, you will have a chance to mend your lost string. When the time comes, you have to defeat him. I will send Chaeyoung and Jihyo with you"

"Hey!" Jihyo protest when she heard her name but Seri payed no attention to her.

"Y/n believed in me. Jihyo please, help me" Jihyo made a troubled face as Seri stared at her.

"Fine, but there is a condition! You will give your title to me if this girl's string is mended" Seri just smiled and turn to me.

"Take care of them...Y/n" was the last thing I heard before fainting.

Hey, I decided to delete the prologue(IAWWT00) of this story. Sorry for that. I just can't connect it with chapter 3, which contains the explanations of Seri. Yeah I'm that incompetent, I know. I had to alter the plot everytime I wrote, so inevitably I had to delete it to make things work. To prevent this from happening again, I wrote the plot in a notebook, which I'm an idiot for not doing it in the first place. Many things was changed but it was still like the original plot. You know like when I want to write A, the tought C will come to mind. Then when I went to write that, D is also a good one to add in the twist so I also wrote that. The next thing I knew, the supposedly A became Z. But both are coming from the alphabet, so they are still the same. Aish! that is how much my mind is messed up. I'm gonna end this note now coz it's getting too long.


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