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Danielle's POV.

"Danielle, wait!" I heard an all too familiar voice shout.

I quickly wiped my tears before turning around and coming face to face with the one and only Justin.

"What?" I snapped, looking him dead in the eyes and placing my hand on my hip.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." He said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes and turning to walk away.

"Dani" Justin started, grabbing both my arms and pulling me to him, my back to his chest. I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck, giving me goosebumps.

"Let me make it up to you." He whispered, seductively. I knew exactly what he wanted but I was tired of being his little toy.

"No." I said, breaking free from his grip and walking back toward the house to get Gabi who I momentarily forgot about.

Justin followed close behind me. "Dani, don't he like that." Justin pleaded.

"Be like what?" I said sassily. I was about to let him have it.

"I'm tired of being your little toy. I'm tired of you not caring about my feelings and just using me when you want sex. Just leave me alone." I said, continuing to walk away which was a complete fail die to Justin pulling me back again.

"Danielle, you knew that this relationship was strictly about sex. I told you not to get attached and I told you that I wasn't a relationship kinda guy. You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into, so don't sit here and act like the victim." Justin retorted, annoyance evident on his face.

He was right. He did tell me all of those things, but I thought that I was able to change him and get him to commit, but it's obvious I'm not good enough for him. That's what hurts the most.

I sighed and looked down, fighting to keep my tears back. I felt so stupid.

"What's wrong with me, Justin?" I asked, lookintg up to meet his beautiful honey colored eyes. "Am I not good enough or something?" I continued. I wanted to know why he couldn't commit. I was basically committed to him and we aren't even a couple. I wouldn't even bother looking at another guy because it just wouldn't feel right.

"Danielle, nothing is wrong with you. I think you're absolutely stunning. I just don't want a monogamous relationship right now. I'm 23 and I'm having fun. It was never my intention to hurt your feelings." He said softly placing his hand on my cheek. I looked away and sighed.

"Okay." I whispered looking to the ground. "I'm sorry, I should really get out of my feelings." I chuckled and so did Justin.

"You know, I'm not doing anything later on tonight. Maybe you should come over and we can watch a movie or something." Justin said, changing the subject.

Should I? I mean is this really healthy for me? I said before speaking, "I'll think about it." I looked up at him, he was at least a foot taller than me.

"Okay, sweetheart." He said pulling me in for a hug, his hands dangerously close to my ass.

Butterflies swarmed in my tummy.

What is he doing to me?

I know it sucks.

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