Chapter 20

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                             absolutely suck you guys! I am so sorry for not updating sooner, but I'm gonna try to work to get this book done! Please feel free to hunt me down and bitch-slap me:)

By the way this chapter is going to have a little jumping between Craig and Avery.


Avery's PoV

"...Shut it they're still sleeping upstairs".

Several loud bangs, the clattering sound of pots and pans later finally did the trick of waking me up.

"Well damn John let's just wake the whole pack."

I cracked my eyes open and squinted against the light that streamed in past the window casting a glow over the entire room.

It was warm, really warm, like I was burning up and as I tried to get up I realized the source of the extreme heat to be Craig. He was spooned behind me, his arm draped over my waist keeping me tight against his chest.

I could feel his warm skin pressed against my own as well as something else that was currently pressed against my lower back that had me face instantly red.

I moved to get up, but his arm around me kept me in place. And after trying to push him off, I gave up when it seemed as though he was just tightening his grip.

Releasing a frustrated huff of air, I turned slightly and shoved his shoulder in hopes of waking him up.

"Craig let go, people are downstairs", I stated, hearing more  noises from downstairs to prove my point.

He cracked an eye open to take me in, but closed it again, pulling me tighter against his chest. I tried to slide out of his arms again but he merely chuckled and rolled me over so I was facing him. Smiling tieredly at me he nuzzled my neck, placing a soft kiss at the part of my shoulder where he had bitten. His lips against that area had such a calming effect on me that I couldn't help but to slump against him with a scowl.

"I don't know, I'm pretty content staying in bed all day," he argued, tangling our legs beneath the covers. Although I would enjoy nothing more to spend an entire day with him alone in our room, there were people downstairs no doubt waiting for us to wake up and I had a feeling that if we didn't go down soon enough they would come up and that was the last thing I wanted.

His breathing evened out again and made me laugh."Craig!" I tried again, shaking his shoulder. I released a gasp of surprise when his hand came down on my bare bum.

"Go back to sleep," he commanded lightly opening his eyes to take me in as a playful smirk crossed his features," Unless you wanna do something else before we go downstairs," he said, as his hand gave my bottom a light squeeze.

My eyes widened slightly and I shoved at his chest with a pout. "But I'm hungry," I retorted, causing him to laugh as he rolled from the bed. He turned to scoop me up aswell before I had time to react and stood with me in his arms bridal style.

He automatically started making his way to the bedroom door before I started squirming in his grip.

"Wait! I have to take a shower first...and we're both naked," I said. He thought it over for a second, allowing his eyes that had began to darken to do a brief once over of my person.


He smiled at my embarrassment before turning on his heel towards the bathroom, where he placed me down on my feet. I watched as he started the shower, checking to ensure the water wasn't ice cold, before finally pulling back the curtain and gesturing for me to get in with a smile.

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